Steal My Heart

Steal My Heart by Lisa Eugene Page A

Book: Steal My Heart by Lisa Eugene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Eugene
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that placid exterior she was plotting her escape. Did he really need this? She was a real pain in the ass! Okay…a cute pain in the ass, he responded to the annoying voice that told him he liked being around her.
    “Maggie, I don’t know what’s going on in that brain of yours, but forget about it. I wasn’t kidding when I said we’re dealing with some dangerous characters. If you want to live, you need to do exactly as I say.”
    He hesitated, searching her face for signs of understanding and acceptance. He watched her swallow nervously and continued. “I need to meet with someone inside. I’m going to take you in with me.” He raised a palm, silencing her as she was about to speak. He narrowed his eyes and skewered her with his gaze. “If you try anything stupid, you won’t have to worry about the people who’re after us. You’ll have to deal with me.”
    Her face paled slightly, but she nodded. He grunted, pulling the key from the ignition. He wished he didn’t have to take her inside with him, but he had to keep an eye on her. He was familiar with the layout of the diner, and knew it only had two obvious ways in and out. A few years back, he’d discovered a secret third exit in the basement. The small dirty windows were surrounded by wrought iron, and barely opened enough for someone to fit through. It was well past the afternoon rush, which consisted of mostly truckers, so he expected it to be relatively empty. He was glad to see there were no trucks parked in the expansive yard.
    “Remember what I said,” he cautioned her as they exited the car. He patted his side with the holstered gun beneath to emphasize his point.
    He kept a hand at her elbow as they entered the one-room diner. Nodding to the waitress, he walked to the booths at the back. From there he had a view of the interior and an unobstructed path to the door. A few scattered diners occupied tables closer to the entrance. He selected a booth for Maggie, then slid into one adjacent to hers just as the waitress approached.
    “Hi, handsome!” Kim beamed down at him, passing him a large laminated menu. “Where you been hidin’?”
    He looked up at the sandy-haired waitress he’d known for years. She was smart and pretty, and always a good source of information.
    “Miss me, Kim?” He offered her a wide, good-natured grin.
    “Always, sugar. You know you always brighten up my day!” She stuck a hand in her hip and wiggled at him.
    “Anyone else miss me?”
    He watched her lids lower and her glowing smile become brittle. She took a quick survey of the room before answering quietly.
    “Just Harry. Came in a few days back wantin’ to know if I seen ya.”
    Gabe nodded thoughtfully. He darted a sidelong glance to Maggie. She sat as still as a statue, but he could tell by her pulled-tight lips that she’d been listening to the exchange. He ordered for both of them, watching dispassionately as Kim shot Maggie an appraising gaze. He finished ordering and checked his watch as Kim sashayed away.
    “ Sugar, you know you always brighten my day…” He heard Maggie’s sing-song voice and turned his head just in time to see her roll her eyes in disgust. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.
    “Puleeeeze…” She crossed her arms across her breasts and twisted away from him, pursing her bottom lip. He groaned, instantly craving a taste.
    Just then, the door to the diner swung open and he saw Harry amble through. His thoughts were abruptly diverted. It had only been a few weeks since he’d seen him, but his limp seemed more pronounced.
    “Not a word, Maggie. You don’t know me,” he warned beneath his breath as his friend spotted him.
    “I wish.”
    He ignored the mumbled comment as Harry approached and he released the holstered gun to keep at his side.
    “Christ, Dutch! What the fuck is going on?” Harry started without preamble as he slid onto the vinyl bench across from him.
    Gabe let his gaze

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