Stay With Me
time if you don’t wait on it to return to Jamaica and we aren’t stuck trying to make reservations. She’ll be calling you shortly, but I asked her to get you on the first flight out in the morning. Rhys and I are going to crash here at a hotel and fly home in the morning as well. We’ll pick you up at the airport and ride home together. That sound good?”
    She smiled. “It sounds perfect.”
    “We want a do-over for our anniversary. Dinner, dancing and then we’re going to make love to you all night long.”
    A light shiver prickled her skin. “I can’t wait,” she said huskily.
    “Okay then, baby, let me go. You get some rest and we’ll see you tomorrow.”
    “I love you. Tell Rhy I love him.”
    “Love you too,” he said.
    She hung up and hugged herself in satisfaction, ignoring the twinge in her side. She carefully got out of the lounger and trudged toward the hotel. Fatigue rippled through her body, but then she hadn’t slept worth a damn after Rhys and Logan had left the night before.
    What she really needed was some Tylenol and a good long sleep. She stopped by the gift shop in the lobby and purchased the tablets and a bottle of water then headed up to her room. As she was walking in, her phone rang.
    “Mrs. Cullen-Wellesley?”
    “Hi Paige,” Catherine said warmly. “And it’s Catherine for the hundredth time.”
    “I’ve made reservations for you to fly out at eight-twenty in the morning. You’ll have a brief layover in Miami and will arrive in New York at four-ten in the afternoon. Mr. Cullen and Mr. Wellesley will meet you at the airport.”
    “Thank you, Paige. I appreciate it.”
    “Is everything all right…Catherine? Is there anything else I can do for you?”
    “I’m fine, and thank you for making the arrangements.”
    Catherine hung up and stared at her suitcase she hadn’t yet packed. She was slightly ashamed of the fact she hadn’t been convinced that Logan would call or that he would wrap up when he said he would. She’d been prepared to stay on for another few days.
    After stuffing her suitcase halfheartedly, she dragged herself into bed after calling the front desk for a wake-up call and also to have a car waiting to take her to the airport.
    It would be okay. Things were going to be okay this time.
    Things were not okay.
    Catherine dragged tiredly from the boarding ramp into the terminal, clutching her side. What had brewed for a day and a half as a dull ache had rapidly escalated into fiery pain.
    The flight had been long and miserable, and she’d spent the entire time sipping water and praying she wouldn’t lose the contents of her stomach all over the seat.
    She turned on her cell phone, hoping to find a message from Rhys or Logan. This wasn’t the way she’d wanted to tell them about her pregnancy, but she was scared something was wrong.
    Trying not to panic, she quickened her stride then slowed down when each step sent a new wave of pain through her abdomen. Okay, nice and slow. Rhys and Logan would be waiting for her in baggage claim or maybe even at the security checkpoint.
    She exited the checkpoint and stared around at the people milling about. Not wanting to stand for long, she picked up her phone and started the walk to baggage claim.
    She was punching speed dial for Logan’s number when the LCD flashed that she had an incoming call. Relief came swift.
    “Logan, where are you?” she asked as she brought the phone to her ear.
    “Ah, it’s me, Paige.”
    Catherine frowned. “Oh, sorry, Paige, I just assumed it would be Logan.”
    “About Mr. Wellesley,” Paige said after a brief hesitation.
    No. No, no, not again. Catherine stopped and leaned against the wall with her free hand.
    “He and Mr. Cullen were delayed in San Francisco. They won’t be able to meet you at the airport.”
    “Was their flight delayed? Are they catching another one?” Catherine asked.
    “No, not immediately and no, it wasn’t delayed. They stayed on another day to

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