Star Force: Bloodlust (SF54)

Star Force: Bloodlust (SF54) by Aer-ki Jyr Page B

Book: Star Force: Bloodlust (SF54) by Aer-ki Jyr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aer-ki Jyr
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one of their major cities,
with so many Lacvamat flying overhead and dive-bombing his unit that they’d
been hard pressed to see the sun in the sky. The enemy was attacking in swarms,
even on the ground, making it virtually impossible for the Scionate to hold out
once the city shields went down, though his unit had made them pay for the
victory with many kills when they came down inside the buildings.
    Mik’tal had barely gotten
out alive, more due to luck than skill, then had taken
so many orb hits from above as he ran that his shields had gone down and his
armor was penetrated on his right side. The wound was light, but it pained him
as he ran…but run he did, for the Lacvamat were still overhead raining down
glowing little purple orbs that were hitting the tank beside him and every now
and then himself when he got unlucky.
    Staying as close as he could to the tank he avoided
taking another hit to his exposed side, but the further he and the others ran
the more of them got hit, for there were more than 500 infantry running
alongside 18 tanks and a myriad of civilian vehicles as they made their way
towards the outpost ahead, which was already throwing up anti-air against the
fighters pestering it ahead of the Lacvamat ‘infantry’ swarm.
    Small twangs of energy discharge were sounding
everywhere the orbs hit, then suddenly there was a
loud screech of plasma overhead just before a Valerie shot over the tank so
close that Mik’tal flinched. Two more quickly
followed it and a glance upward saw the Lacvamat swarm changing its normal flow
as the Scionate fighters flew directly into their midst, shooting or ramming
them out of the sky.
    The first glint of hope in many hours forced Mik’tal to continue looking up as he ran, catching an orb to his armored face that then drove him down into the ground.
His head hit and tripped him up, rolling his armored body over in a bad
somersault as the tank continue to move ahead of him. A small personnel
transport behind him hit him in the head as it didn’t slow, knocking him down a
second time underneath it as the anti- grav vehicle
floated over him.
    He held still for a moment, then popped up and got
into the clear before the next vehicle in the convoy could do the same, nudging
aside another Scionate and falling back into the group as they ran with the
orbs continuing to drop even as the Valeries tore into the swarm…but the
Lacvamat weren’t letting the ground troops go, intent on killing them in the
open and having more than enough flying infantry to do it, no matter how many
of them the Valeries took down.
    Mik’tal continued to run,
seeing a few others around him go down to the purple rain accompanied by the
occasional falling Lacvamat corpse, as they were still two kilometers away from
the outpost and the more or less clear sky over it that was still in contention
with weaponsfire and enemy fighters continuing to go at it, though the
outpost’s shield appeared to be down, which was probably why the Lacvamat
weren’t pulling back despite the losses they were taking.
    Mik’tal’s skin rippled with
goosebumps as a loud rumble sounded on his right and grew louder quickly, with
the sun going out above as a Scionate troop transport flew in low overhead,
pushing the enemy infantry away with its own anti-air fire but more importantly
blocking the airspace above the convoy so they couldn’t rain down fire on them.
Elsewhere nearby other troop ships were coming down right into the swarm and
beginning to unload with Mik’tal very glad for the
help but knowing that the Lacvamat weren’t going to be easily displaced.
    He just hoped all these Scionate weren’t coming in to
see their quick deaths.
    The transport overhead stayed with them all the way up
to the city, but then it began taking heavy plasma hits as the Lacvamat version
of walkers began pounding it. They were fighters, but so bulky and heavily
armed they were more like mini flying turrets…and a group of 60 or so

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