Stake and Dust (Stake and Dust series, Book I)
    "Back at the hotel. Why?"
    "With Mr. Green?" he asked.
    "Yes," she said slowly and looked at
Tremayne. He sat there with a smug look and she frowned. "Listen
Derek, we need the layout of the Seafront Inn. We have a possible
lead on where the Lamia is keeping her latest victim."
    Silence again.
    "Derek?" She was getting perturbed. What was
wrong with him?"
    "I'm on it." He ended the call.
    "That was weird," she picked up her phone and
stared at it.
    "How many brothers do you have?" Tremayne
    "Three," she said still wondering why Derek
had acted so strangely. "Why do you ask?"
    "Just wondering if Derek's the brother I
should worry about or if the others will come after me too?"
    "What do you mean?" She turned to look at him
in confusion until she realized his intent. "Oh," she said for lack
of anything else to say since he was leaning in so close, words had
ceased to exist. Really she should stop him, but she didn't want
to. His lips touched hers and she forgot everything else. Forgot
about the case, forgot about Derek and his odd behavior, once she
told him she was back at the hotel with– She broke the embrace and
placed a hand on Tremayne's chest. "Hold on a second. Are you
trying to seduce me to tick off my brothers?"
    "No, on ticking off your brothers. As for the
seducing part… I must not be doing a very good job if you need to
ask." He chuckled and she really liked his laugh, along with
everything else. Darn him for being so charming.
    She didn't move as he brushed her hair behind
her ear. "We should get back to work," he told her.
    "Huh?" She didn't want to work now. "You
shouldn't have kissed me then." She didn't wait for him to respond.
She didn't want to talk. She threw her arms around his neck and
pulled him close as she did a little kissing of her own. Her mind
kept telling her she needed to slow down, but her body didn't want
to listen.
    She broke the kiss and stared into his eyes,
those beautiful hypnotic eyes that said he'd like to do a lot more
than kiss her. Her breathing hitched and her heart pounded a few
beats faster at the thought. "I think we should–"
    "Stop," he finished.
    "Yes," she agreed, but her gaze lingered on
his lips.
    "If you keep looking at me like that…"
    "Like what?" she asked and met his gaze once
    "Like you want me to take you. I can only
remain a gentleman for so long."
    She shook her head with a chuckle. "Then stop
looking at me like you want to devour me."
    This time he laughed, a deep rumble from the
chest and his dimple dented his cheek with his wide grin. "I will
do my best to curve my appetite."
    A few seconds ticked by or maybe time just
stood still as they tried to slow down their breathing.
    "All three," she broke the silence.
    "All three?" he asked in confusion.
    "All three of my brothers will come after you
if they believe you're using me." She tilted her head as she stared
at him. "Are you, Mr. Green? Are you using me?"
    "Tremayne," he corrected. "And no, I'm not
using you. I like you. I think you like me."
    That was an understatement. "So?"
    "How about we finish this assignment and see
where this goes?" He brushed a finger over her lips and she had the
urge to take it into her mouth and suckled it like a babe.
    This was so not like her. She should tell him
no. They lived on the opposite sides of the country. Long distance
relationships never lasted, but then who said it had to be a
forever kind of romance? She'd go with her brother Wade's motto on
this one. When it came to his girlfriends, he lived in the moment. Never know when it will be your last hoorah , he would say. Have fun. Kiss. Make love. Then say your goodbyes.
    "It's a date, Mr. Green…Tremayne," she said
and that won her another huge grin. She could just kiss him
senseless. "Oh heck, why not?" she voiced out loud. Before he could
ask her what she meant, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him toward
her for a searing kiss. His hands went to her waist and she could
tell he was itching to do

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