Stake and Dust (Stake and Dust series, Book I)
another thought occurred to him. Mr.
Green had told Cassandra he'd found the vampire involved, and had
planned to confront him at Eternal Bliss. What if… "Bram," Tremayne
said, interrupting his cousin's rant about how stupid Tremayne had
been for getting mixed up with a Lamia.
    "What?" Bram snapped.
    "I'm afraid Cassandra Hayes was sent here to
find me. She knew the vampire frequented Eternal Bliss thanks to
the real Mr. Green. She didn't know about the Lamia until we
questioned the Hashasheen demon. She just hasn't put all the pieces
together yet because her real partner is on ice. He must have had
the info, but didn't have the chance to share it with her. I think
that was why he was dumped outside my pub. Lorelei doesn't want a
hunter to take me out. She wants the GOJ to come after me."
    "Fantastic," Bram hissed. "You do know how to
pick your girlfriends. A demented Lamia and now a hunter."
    "I'm not with Cassandra."
    "No? Funny, I thought you were with her
    "Not the same." He rolled his eyes even
though Bram didn't have the benefit of seeing it. "She's an
attractive lass. I won't go denying it."
    "Go on with you. Of course she's a looker.
She's a Hayes. The family's noted for their agile abilities and
their looks to match. Lethal in every way, if you ask me. If they
can't slay you, they certainly can seduce you into submission."
Bram's words dripped with sarcasm.
    "I'm not going to even acknowledge your
perverse observation of the Hayes family. Since when are you an
expert on the family anyway?"
    "I've heard things and seen them in action
too. You aren't the only one privy to their abilities to charm and
kill." He sighed then.
    "Are you going to help me out, or not?"
Tremayne asked again as he wondered how this conversation had
steered toward his involvement with Cassandra Hayes.
    "I'm sure I'm going to regret this," Bram
murmured, "but aye, I'll be there as soon as I can."
    "Just remember the vampire is dangerous so
don't approach him. If he shows, just call in the GOJ and have them
pick him up."
    "I never claimed I'd be inviting him back at
my place for tea," Bram barked. "I do so hate a vamp who makes us
look bad. Where do you need me?"
    Once he gave Bram the information, he
ventured down below again to find Cassandra standing in front of
the hideaway filled with objects. She glanced at him as he
    "There's so many trinkets," she said. "Men
and women's..."
    He knew what she was thinking. The owners of
the objects were probably dead. He stepped toward her and rested a
hand on her shoulder. She leaned against him, startling him at
first. She wasn't a short woman by all means, but she was petite
compared to him and yet she felt…right in his arms.
    He breathed her in. The scent of honeysuckle,
and…her…all her.
    "We have to catch them, both of them,"
Cassandra's voice brought him out of his reverie. "And take them
out. For their victims." She turned to look at him, and her hand
rested on his chest. He had to swallow back the lump in his throat.
Her green eyes demanded he answer her and pledge he wouldn't stop
hunting down Gunthorn and Lorelei until the deed was done.
    He reached for her and brushed a mahogany
strand away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. He wanted
to kiss her, but feared if he did, he wouldn't want to stop. He
could give her what she truly wanted, his promise.
    "We will catch them," he vowed.

Chapter Fifteen
    Cassandra sat in her car while Tremayne spoke
with his informant who would watch for Gunthorn's return. They'd
collected all of Gunthorn's trophies and hid them away. They didn't
want the vamp accidently reclaiming the trinkets if he somehow
managed to slip by unnoticed.
    It had begun to rain, the slow patter
increasing as she waited for Tremayne and rehashed the evening of
events. Gunthorn's words kept coming back to the forefront,
suggesting Tremayne was involved with the preternatural world and
not in a good way.
    He worked undercover, but to what extent? He

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