Splendor (Inevitable #2)

Splendor (Inevitable #2) by Janet Nissenson

Book: Splendor (Inevitable #2) by Janet Nissenson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Nissenson
to feel more than a little uneasy. He’d known Ian for a good ten years now and had never seen him this pissed off, the rage pouring off of him in waves.
    “Take it easy there, old chap,” soothed Jason. “No need to get your knickers in a twist. I was just having a bit of harmless fun with the girl. Hot little thing like her must hear that kind of stuff all the time. That husband of hers is a lucky bloke, isn’t he? Can you imagine having someone like that to tap whenever you get the urge?”
    Jason did jump this time, as Ian slammed the office door shut almost violently. And then Jason was the one being slammed, as Ian grabbed hold of his shirt and shoved him up against the nearest wall.
    “I told you to keep your fucking mouth shut.” Ian ground out every word with ill-concealed malice. “Did you think I was joking, Jason?”
    Jason could only shake his head, his fear rendering him suddenly mute.
    “Good. Now listen and listen carefully because I’m not a man who likes to repeat himself.” Ian gave him a shake as though he were a repulsive gutter rat. “I’m sick to death of your manwhore behavior in this office. I’ve already had to transfer one employee off of my team in order to prevent her from filing a sexual harassment lawsuit. I’m not prepared to take that risk any longer, or lose another member of my team.”
    Jason was wide-eyed and listening very carefully to every word as Ian continued.
    “Consider this your last day in this office. Tomorrow you are to report to your new assignment – as the manager of our hotel in the Silicon Valley. Fortunately we’ve just had an opening so you won’t have to move the family elsewhere in the country.”
    “Silicon Valley!” burst out Jason. “But – but that’s in bloody Scotts Valley! Do you have any idea how long it will take me to commute there and back from San Francisco every day?”
    Ian smiled, but it was not a pleasant look. “I don’t give a holy fuck how long it takes you. If you don’t like it, Jason, then the other three options you have are Atlanta, Palm Springs, or – oh, yes, - looking for employment somewhere else besides this company.”
    “But you can’t do that!” protested Jason. “My father-in-law will never allow it. All it would take is a phone call to him.”
    Jason squealed as Ian shoved him even harder against the wall, his grip on the front of Jason’s shirt tighter.
    “I can do whatever I goddamn please.” He enunciated each word with careful precision. “My uncle can’t – and won’t – do a bloody thing about it. And do you know why that is, Jason?”
    Jason had to look away from the ferocity in Ian’s eyes for fear he might piss his pants. “Nnnoo. I – I don’t.”
    “Uncle Richard is well aware of the fact that you can’t keep your dick in your pants, but for reasons of his own he chooses to turn a blind eye to your little escapades. However, brief, meaningless flings are one thing but a permanent girlfriend is quite another. I doubt Richard would be especially understanding of the arrangement you have set up over on Pierce Street.”
    The shocked expression on Jason’s face would have been priceless had Ian not been so enraged with him.
    “I see you don’t even begin to deny it.” Ian shook his head in revulsion. “And it’s only for the sake of your three very small children that Charlotte isn’t being made aware of – is it Greta or Gretchen, I don’t recall exactly.”
    “Greta,” replied Jason in a barely audible voice.
    “Ah, that’s right. A very pretty little blonde if I recall from the photo I saw. Swedish, is she?” asked Ian mockingly.
    “How did you-” began Jason.
    Ian regarded him in disbelief. “Do you really need to ask me that, Jason? I know everything. Or at least the things I need to know. And for obvious reasons I’ve kept very close tabs on you over the last few years.”
    Jason’s expression was sullen as Ian finally released him. He straightened his rumpled

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