Special Needs
    Liam snorted. “Keep going.”
    “And maybe I would like to be with someone,” Ryan sighed, feeling silly. “And I shouldn’t have pinched you.” His eyes followed the swirl of smoke. It seemed to caress Liam’s lips. Just the way he would love to do.
    “Yeah, that was just like... wow.” Liam exhaled, looking to the horizon. In the orange-tinted sunlight, it was hard to refrain from staring at him. “Not very ladylike.”
    Ryan shot him a thunderbolt glance. “Fucktard! I’m trying to say something important here.”
    “So say it. You hurt my feelings, you know,” Liam said, facing Ryan with his arms folded over his chest. Ryan was pretty sure he wasn’t serious, but he couldn’t take any chances, so he cleared his throat and looked straight at Liam.
    “I wanna say that maybe I’m not so good with people. So... maybe if you helped me, maybe I could actually get a date.” Saying this took so much effort, that he felt physically tired right after he was finished.
    “That’s all you got?” Ryan rolled his eyes and stared into the ocean, feeling his face flush.
    “What do you want me to say?” Liam threw the cigarette butt into the water.
    Ryan squirmed in the seat. “I don’t know. I’m just moody, I guess.” He turned his back at Liam, not sure anymore if the other man was even serious about helping him. He didn’t expect to feel tender fingertips at the top of his head, and he barely kept himself from a noticeable tremble.
    “We’ll work on it,” Liam said, without even a trace of doubt.
    “I bet you have experience.”
    “Yeah.” That was a groan. “I bet picking up a guy is pretty much like picking up a slutty chick.”

Chapter 7
    “So I emailed all those porn studios and one just got back to me today. They said they haven’t decided yet, but asked for more photos of the Monster Lair. They’ve never seen anything like it so they might want to use it as their next set!” Ryan was beaming as he told the news to Rodney, who gave him a weak smile.
    “That’s great news. We need to get the money in,” he said, his shoulders visibly tense. He chomped on his toast and leaned back in the chair, letting his head roll from side to side with a soft sigh.
    The kitchen was peaceful, with the evening sunlight getting in through the blinds to create a striped pattern on the floor. The smell of the chocolate cookies Liam had made, still lingered in the room, they had two bookings for the evening, and Fay was out on a date, which meant she would be a little less touchy about her age for at least a few days. That was like a powdered mix for a great evening. Just add water. And voila , Liam barged in, complete with ‘This t-shirt is offensive’ printed on the front of his well-fitting top.
    “Back. Are you ready?”
    “Yeah!” Ryan wheeled over to him with a huge smile. “I was just telling Rod that there might be a porn crew contracting us for a movie. I’m becoming a marketing mastermind!”
    “Oh? That’s awesome.” Liam opened the fridge to grab a homemade smoothie.
    “It is! Because if they come, they’ll probably have Matt Powers with them.” Too excited to stay still, Ryan kept circling the table. He felt like someone shot liquidized energy straight into his veins.
    “Is that your favorite actor, or something?”
    “One of them for sure. He’s got this smile... and he’s inked, of course. A firm ass and a big cock. What more could a man want?” Ryan nudged his thing with an elbow, feeling ridiculously hyper. “C’mon Liam! Let’s go!”
    “Sounds promising.” Liam followed him, as soon as he downed the smoothie. “I have everything ready in the car.”
    “Great! We got flyers and posters, Rod!” Ryan yelled, as they were leaving the kitchen, but all the reply he got was a grunt. He decided not to care. “Liam, I’m so nervous!” He looked up at his caretaker. Being at the level of his crotch was a nice addition to his

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