Alien Romance: Caught By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance Standalone (Alien Invasion Romance) (Heavenly Claimed Book 3)

Alien Romance: Caught By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance Standalone (Alien Invasion Romance) (Heavenly Claimed Book 3) by Bertina Mars

Book: Alien Romance: Caught By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance Standalone (Alien Invasion Romance) (Heavenly Claimed Book 3) by Bertina Mars Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bertina Mars
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    Chapter 1: Kidnapped
    “Move along!” growled the slave trader, drool dripping off his tusks.  “Stop dragging your feet!  We’re on a tight schedule!”
    To emphasize the urgency, he shoved the girl behind Maya, almost knocking her off her feet.  Fortunately, Maya turned round and caught the girl before she fell.
    “It’s okay, honey,” she said in a soothing voice.  “Hold my hand and lean on me if you have to.”
    The girl, whose name was Tia, gave her a grateful smile and clutched Maya’s hand.  The fear in her large, tear filled eyes reflected Maya’s own dread, and Maya wanted to break down and cry right there and then.  She didn’t though.  She knew she had to stay strong if she was to ever get through this ordeal and make her escape.
    The alien slave trader bore down on the two women and raised his whip threateningly.  “I said get moving!” he snorted.  “And no talking!”
    Maya shot him a fiery glare.  “We’d move along a lot faster if we didn’t have to wear these ridiculously high heels,” she retorted sharply, pointing to the exaggeratedly designed shoes on her bare feet.  “Walking on these death traps is like trying to balance on stilts.”
    The trader gave her an ugly smile.  His slimy tusks and wide snout marked him out as being a Yojaridan, a particularly unpleasant and foul smelling race from the Alasis Constellation.  Her dad had done a tour of duty in their territory during the Frontier Wars, and he had told her that the Yojaridans he had encountered had been mostly weapons smugglers and black marketeers. 
    They worked for whoever paid the highest and bought and sold anything or anyone.  It looked like the ones who had captured her were no better than the ones her dad had come across.
    “You better get used to looking glamorous,” the Yojaridan said leeringly.  He ran a greasy finger along the flimsy, gauze outfit they had made her put on.  “The Prince Consort likes his pleasure slaves to look and smell their best.”
    “Please,” Tia piped up, her frail voice breaking.  “I just want to go home.  My boyfriend will be going out of his mind wondering where I am.”
    The slave trader barked a laugh.  “This is your home now, stupid bitch.  Welcome to the planet of Raja-kell.  Count yourself lucky.  You’re being auctioned at the Royal Court; so make sure you show off your best assets.  If you don’t get bought by anyone, the Prince Consort will have you sacrificed to the Blood God.”
    The other Yojaridans, who were herding the group of dejected women along the metal corridor, laughed heartily at this assessment of their prisoners’ situation.  Tia let out a sob and Maya put a comforting arm around her and guiding her forward they rejoined the other women before the slavers started to get mad.
    “Don’t worry, honey,” she said, giving the other girl’s shoulder a tight squeeze.  “We’re going to get out of this.”
    “I want to go home,” Tia moaned, dissolving into tears.  “I want to see Matt!”
    Maya’s heart broke, and though she was desperate to provide some kind of comfort for the poor girl, her own fears were ripping up her nerves too.  Raja-kell! 
    She was vaguely aware of the name.  It was an isolationist, barbaric world by all accounts, and more significantly it was several billion light years away from Earth.  It seemed utterly beyond comprehension that she’d ended up here in this terrible mess.
    As she trudged along with the other captured women, her tired mind replayed the events that had brought her to this point.  It had all started with an obscure ad on the holo-net.  Some kind of clinic was seeking healthy, fertile women for a research programme they were conducting. 
    In normal circumstances, Maya would have ignored the proposition, but the clinic was offering a substantial amount of money to those participants that were chosen.  In fact, there was enough money on offer to pay off

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