Alien Romance: Caught By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance Standalone (Alien Invasion Romance) (Heavenly Claimed Book 3)

Alien Romance: Caught By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance Standalone (Alien Invasion Romance) (Heavenly Claimed Book 3) by Bertina Mars Page A

Book: Alien Romance: Caught By The Alien: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance Standalone (Alien Invasion Romance) (Heavenly Claimed Book 3) by Bertina Mars Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bertina Mars
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all of Maya’s debts and allow her to move out of the crummy housing pod she was in and because the opportunity had come just when she needed it most, she couldn’t resist contacting them despite her reservations. 
    The clinic was only a twenty-minute hypercar ride, and she could always back out if she didn’t like the feel of things.  So, what did she really have to lose? 
    “You’re exactly what we’re looking for,” the smiling doctor at the clinic had said after she’d gone through the pre-screening tests.  “Yes, I think you’re going to do very well.”                   
    The nurse had taken her into a pristine white room and told her to lie down on the bed that was made ready for her.  The nurse had then given Maya a vitamin shot, or so she claimed, and that was all Maya remembered.
    The next thing Maya knew, she was in the hold of a Yojaridan space cruiser with fifteen other frightened and confused Earth women.  One of her fellow prisoners had overheard two of the crew talking and had found out they had been captured by slave traders and were en-route to some kind of auction.
    Just as the craft was about to land, the traders had herded the women into a shower room and had forced them to strip and wash themselves before making them dress in the flimsy and incredibly short lemon yellow dresses they provided.  After that humiliation, the ship had touched down in some kind of landing hangar and marched down a corridor to meet their fate.
    Now as they reached the end of the passageway, a large door opened and they came into a brightly lit chamber of red stone trimmed with gold.  Judging by the rows of tables and chairs in front of well-lit mirrors, the chamber served as some kind of theatrical dressing room. 
    Pacing the floor was an elderly humanoid looking woman with silver eyes and a lean, cruel face.  She was dressed in a high collared robe of dark red, and her long, gnarled fingers were barely visible beneath the gaudy, oversized rings that she wore.
    “At last!” she snapped in a sharp, angry voice.  “You were expected at least three hours ago!  I am not impressed by this tardiness, captain.  It will be reflected in your fee.”
    “It wasn’t our fault, House Matron!” the Yojaridan who had been bullying Maya and Tia spoke up.  “You don’t know how difficult the run from Earth is these days.  We had to avoid several patrol fleets and their security satellites to get here.”
    “Enough excuses,” the House Matron retorted.  “I don’t have time for this.  At least they are here now.”  She clapped her hands, and several younger and much prettier silver-eyed girls filled into the room from another entrance. 
    They were dressed in the same revealing outfits as Maya and the Earth women, and moved listlessly, bored expressions on their bland, pretty faces.
    “Hurry girls!” snapped the House Matron.  “This new batch needs to look presentable for the Prince Consort.  Hurry, I say!”
    Before Maya knew what was happening, one of the girls took her by the arm and sat her down at one of the tables.  With nimble fingers and practiced ease, the girl started combing through Maya’s long auburn hair, putting it up into an exquisite looking bun.
    “Hey, are you a Raja-kellan?” Maya asked the bored looking girl.  “Look, can you help me and the others?  We shouldn’t be here.”
    The girl ignored her, more interested in fixing Maya’s hair.  Maya thinned her lips in frustration and scanned the room.  While the slaver captain and the House Matron bickered about money, the rest of the Yojaridans had taken up positions around the room, armed with their whips and laser rifles. 
    There was no point trying to make a run for it, Maya thought gloomily.  There was no visible exit and those thugs would cut her down in a heartbeat.  It was best to bide her time, that’s what her dad would say.  Wait for the right opportunity and follow your instincts.
    The slave

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