Connor: A Cowboy Stepbrother Romance Novel

Connor: A Cowboy Stepbrother Romance Novel by R.S. Wallace

Book: Connor: A Cowboy Stepbrother Romance Novel by R.S. Wallace Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.S. Wallace
    With my eyes closed, I relaxed into him for a moment.
    “I should call my mom,” I said, after a few seconds of silence. “I told her that I was going camping with a girlfriend and I ought to let her know that I’m safe.”
    Connor kissed me again on the cheek.
    “Sounds good,” he said. “I’ll be right here when you get back. I think I’m going to have a lazy day for once.”
    I crawled out of bed and got dressed. Connor watched me with a smile, then he slowly closed his eyes once again, drifting back to sleep. As quietly as I could, I tiptoed out of the bedroom and into the main area of the house. Then I walked out the front door, closing it as softly as I could behind me. The morning sun was already getting hot. It beat down on me as I made my way to my car.
    I need to make a phone call. But I have to be sure that Connor doesn’t hear...
    Quickly and quietly, I opened my car door and grabbed my cell phone. Then I walked around to the wildflower field at the back of the house. I sat down on the bench and unlocked the screen on my phone. Then I scrolled through my contact list until I found the number I was looking for.
    “Dad,” I said, as I pressed on the name.
    I can’t believe I’m doing this...
    I hadn’t spoken to my dad in months. We weren’t very close because he spent all of his time at the office. He prioritized his life as a detective for the police department over all else, so I didn’t really see much of him, despite the fact that he was semi-retired. I wouldn’t have normally called him out of the blue, but he had a tool in his power that I knew could help me find the answers to my questions.
    The phone rang three times and then my dad picked up.
    “Hey, Emily,” he said. “I’m surprised to hear from you.”
    I instantly felt like just hanging up and forgetting about the whole thing, but I knew that I couldn’t do that. So I took a deep breath and spoke.
    “Hey, Dad,” I responded. “Yeah, sorry I haven’t called in a while. Things have been busy.”
    My dad sighed and then after a moment, he spoke up.
    “It’s okay, baby,” he said. “I’m sorry, too. As always, my work is taking over my time. The department won’t let me retire completely yet, because they still see me as an asset. Which is fine, I guess. But I’d rather be relaxing and doing nothing at home, that’s for sure.”
    I laughed quietly as I listened. It was nice to hear his voice. It had been too long.
    “Well, hopefully you can fully retire soon,” I said. “If you do, I’ll come out and see you. You can take me fishing!”
    “I’d love that,” my dad responded. “God, I’d love that. Let’s make that happen, Emily.”
    “So, Dad...” I said, feeling the adrenaline begin to pump through my veins. “I need a favor from you.”
    I swallowed nervously as I waited for a response. Surprisingly, my dad didn’t hesitate to say, “Of course, Emily. What is it?”
    My heart was beating in my chest as I tried to get comfortable on the bench. I felt like I was crawling out of my own skin. I was so damned nervous. I took another deep breath and then exhaled slowly.
    “I need you to look someone up for me in the system,” I said.
    My dad was silent for a moment. “Why?” he asked sternly.
    “There’s someone who I need to find out about,” I responded.
    “Who is it?” he shot back immediately.
    He took his work very seriously and I could tell that he didn’t want to be playing with the police department’s criminal system just for the hell of it.
    “Are you going to look him up for me if I tell you?” I asked.
    My dad sighed and then finally said, “Yes, I’ll look him up. Now who is it, Emily? Is it a boy you’re dating or something?”
    I felt my face blush as he asked the question.
    “No,” I responded. “It’s someone who is about to become part of the family. I need you to look up the son of Mom’s new boyfriend. His name is Connor Watson.”
    The words spilled out of my

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