Spark (Black Legion MC Book 1)

Spark (Black Legion MC Book 1) by Kathryn Thomas

Book: Spark (Black Legion MC Book 1) by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Thomas
Stiles’ face?
    “What’s going on here?”
    Lena and Jax pushed apart as Sully appeared from the other room. Not knowing how to breach the subject with him, Jax took charge and wrapped his arm around Lena’s shoulder, his jaw fixed in a straight line as he spoke.
    “You have to let me take Lena now,” Jax started. Not a request or a suggestion, but a demand that her uncle might be wise to follow.
    “What’s with the rush?” Sully asked. “Girl just got back.”
    “To clean up your messes,” Jax accused. “Like the last time.”
    “What last---?”
    “Jax, don’t!” Lena implored him. “He doesn’t have to know.”
    “Doesn’t have to know that you sacrificed body and soul to keep him out of real trouble?” Jax spat. “High time the man knew what it cost you.”
    Sully tilted his head to the side, his gaze shifting towards Lena as he touched her arm and asked her for the rest of the story.
    “It’s nothing that I ever wanted you to know.”
    “But it’s why you really left,” Sully said sadly. “Why the light left your eyes. And it’s my fault.”
    Jax scoffed as the man started to crumble. Lena chided him to keep still, and she grabbed Sully’s hands. “I’d do it again,” she said. “You always looked after me.”
    “No,” Sully lamented as he left her hands and stared hard at Jax. “Take her then,” he said. “Look after her. Don’t let anyone touch her.”
    Jax was stiff as Sully extended his hand, but Jax still shook his head back to hers.
    “We need to go now,” Jax said.
    “But I can’t just leave him!”
    “You have to,” Sully said as he patted her arm. “I’ll be fine. Now you be fine, too.”
    Lena collected her things without another word as the men spoke in hushed tones from the bottom of the steps. Sully asked where they would hide, and when Lena returned to the conversation, Jax laid out his plans. “I know of a safe place to crash,” he said. “I’ll settle Lena there, then I’ll go for reinforcements.”
    “Reinforcements?” Lena asked, her voice almost hopeful as she peered into Jax’s eyes. “You know someone who can help us?”
    “Last person who’ll expect to see me, but the buzz has always been that my mom runs with another crew. If I offer to switch sides, that might buy us the cover we need.”
    It sounded uncertain, but Jax’s hand was strong around her arm as they headed back to his bike with Sully on their heels. Before she mounted, Lena turned to meet her uncle’s sad face, unsure if or when she would ever see him again. “What will you do?” Lena asked.
    “Might be time to take a powder myself.”
    “Promise me you won’t go near a slot machine or a racetrack.”
    “Little girl, after what you just said, think I might be sobered up for good and all.”
    At least that was something, and she held him close for a long moment as Jax brought his motor back to life.
    “I got her,” Jax insisted. “I always have her back.”
    Wrapping her arms around his waist, Lena rested her chin to Jax’s shoulder. Little by little Deerfield started to disappear into the distance. As unclear as the road ahead was, Lena took comfort in the nearness of his body, and as they hit the highway, she pressed her lips to his neck in a soft kiss.
    Read on for an excerpt from the sizzling sequel

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    Leaving home nearly as soon as she arrived, Lena’s mind whirled as Deerfield started to slip from her view again. No stopping for gas or to purchase a fresh pack of smokes from Mac Arnold, and she quietly hoped that Jax had taken the time to stock up on both fronts. Because they had to keep riding hard.
    And in short order, she would need a drag.
    Jax avoided the exit ramp and cut across the railroad tracks, just avoiding the gate as it started its slow descent and a

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