Soul Deep

Soul Deep by Lora Leigh

Book: Soul Deep by Lora Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lora Leigh
Tags: Romance, Erotic
won’t let you go.”
    She shook her head slowly.
    “You will,” she whispered softly. “Because you won’t want a woman that was forced upon you, Kiowa. One that doesn’t share your dreams, your needs, or the future you want to pursue. I don’t want your future,” she said painfully. “I have my own dreams.”
    “And your child that you refuse to give up?” he snapped. “What part will it play?”
    “My child will be just that. Mine. I would love it, give it my name. I would treasure it.”
    “But not his father?” Those eyes were alive now, and fury fed them.
    “What do you want me to say?” she cried desperately. “You’re trying to hurt me, to wrap me in guilt and make me feel responsible for this. I’m not.”
    “That’s a child’s response,” he bit out. “An adult adapts, Amanda. You’re right; when this is over you’re most likely better off leaving. A child could never handle me, let alone my life or the difficulties involved in raising my kid. My kid, lady. I’ll be damned if my kid will be treated like an animal by anyone. Nor will it be raised without its father.”
    She fought to control her breathing, the racing of her blood. She could feel the arousal building with it and she couldn’t afford the weakness. Not now.
    “You’re being unreasonable,” she argued. “I don’t even know you. And to be perfectly honest, I don’t think I like you much. What basis is that for raising children?”
    “A hell of a lot better than I had.” He flipped the bacon with a furious motion of the spatula.
    What could she say to that?
    “Wolf Breeds will be accepted after the Breed Law enacts…”
    A hard, mocking laugh left his throat then as he speared her with those black eyes of his.
    “Wolf breeds?” he asked her softly. “What does that have to do with me, Amanda?”
    She licked her lips nervously.
    “That’s what you are…” He was shaking his head before she finished.
    “No, baby,” he said silkily. “It wasn’t a Wolf breed that knotted in that tight pussy of yours. It was one of those nasty old Coyote Breeds. How acceptable is that?”

Chapter Fourteen
    “Coyote Breeds are considered the vermin of the Breeds,” her father told Alexander thoughtfully as they went over the Breed Law Act that the Feline Breeds had submitted. “They are said to be soulless. Without redemption. They were created to be the jailors, lapdogs to the scientists and military personnel that oversaw the other Breeds.”
    “Is there anyway to adapt the law to exclude them?” her brother asked, his pale gray eyes resting thoughtfully on the papers spread out on the table in her father’s private living room.
    “We can’t exclude them without raising more questions,” her father shook his head slowly. “The Feline Pride leader has suggested allowing them to handle the situation on an individual basis. They’ll police the different Breeds as needed.”
    “It’s going to be hard to do…” Alexander murmured.
    “Aren’t they human as well, Vernon?” her mother asked gently. “Humanity can overcome a lot of things, even selective breeding. You’re talking about men here, not animals.”
    Her mother, Delaney Marion had a voice like silk and a heart as soft as a marshmallow. But she made sense. As Amanda listened to the conversation and studied for the all-important final test before receiving her teaching certificate, she admitted her mother’s argument made more sense than any others she had heard.
    “In this case, we’ll have no choice but to pray that’s true,” her father sighed, running his fingers through his thick, gray hair. “But the Coyote Breeds are going to be trouble, Della, you can bet on it. I can feel it.” Her father’s instincts were always good.
    “They’re animals,” her brother had stated, his voice icy cold, his eyes matching the tone as he looked up. “They’ll be more than trouble, they’ll be a blight. We should just give Lyons sanction to kill them

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