Matty and Bill for Keeps

Matty and Bill for Keeps by Elizabeth Fensham

Book: Matty and Bill for Keeps by Elizabeth Fensham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Fensham
Tags: JUV000000, JUV039020, JUV039060
understanding, gave Pam a kiss on the cheek and left for her own house.
    â€˜You’re getting very dramatic at the last moment,’ said Pam. ‘I thought you couldn’t wait to get rid of me.’
    â€˜It’s a bit of both,’ said Bill. He had to think very fast. How on earth was he going to do this? ‘Mum, I don’t want you to be led astray by Dad when you’re up there. You know how he gets crazy ideas?’
    â€˜William O’Connell, how can you be saying this to me?’
    â€˜Well, I s’pose Dad and his mate Maggot have told you a few big stories over the years.’
    â€˜Don’t mention Maggot.’
    â€˜He’s given us a lot of grief, hasn’t he? You know, the things he’s got Dad involved with.’
    A tear rolled down Pam’s cheek. ‘Yes,’ she said.
    Bill felt awful making his mother cry, but he pressed on. ‘Do you think you know everything they got up to?’
    â€˜I’ll never know,’ said Pam with a sob. ‘When you’ve done time with someone, you share a lot of secrets. Even about ridiculous things.’
    â€˜What do you mean by “ridiculous”?’
    â€˜I don’t suppose it’d do any harm to tell you. Your dad told me that Maggot has this obsession with putting tomato sauce over his ice-cream. The inmates teased him so badly that one day he broke down and wept. After that, your dad would help Maggot out by sneaking tomato sauce and ice-cream into his cell.’
    Bill laughed and wrapped his arms around his mother. ‘That just goes to show my dad has a good heart. Have a wonderful time with him, Mum.’
    At that moment, Donald called out and knocked at the door. Bill picked up his mum’s bag and the three of them walked out to the nature strip. The Grubs’ colourful combi van was covered in streamers, flowers and even balloons. Mat and Crispin were standing there with Tessa, Nan, Tom, Marguerite, Aunt Victoria, Mrs Mabel Flint and Mr Herbert Riley. Uncle Len was bouncing around barking. He knew this was a special occasion.
    â€˜It’s like a wedding car!’ cried Pam. ‘Who did this?’
    â€˜We all did it while Bill was talking to you,’ said Mat.
    Pam thanked and kissed everyone. Mr Riley said, ‘The best thanks we can have is for you and Troy to have a happy holiday together. Bon voyage, love!’
    Pam gave Bill one last hug and kiss and stepped into the van. As the combi drove off with a stream of dust furling out behind, Bill felt a lump in his throat. But then he felt an arm around his shoulders. It was Tom. ‘You look like you need a good feed, young man.’
    â€˜I’ve made a big pot of pumpkin soup for everyone. And I mean everyone,’ said Tessa. ‘Come on. We need to help Bill celebrate getting his mum away at long last.’
    The group moved into the Grubs’ garden and towards the house. As Crispin, Bill and Mat led the way, Mat whispered to Bill, ‘Any luck?’
    â€˜I think so,’ answered Bill.
    â€˜Straight after soup then,’ said Crispin.
    It was a noisy, happy throng around the Grubs’ kitchen table. Aunt Victoria, Nan and Mrs Flint talked about pumpkin soup recipes. Mr Riley, Donald and Tessa discussed the qualities of different species of pumpkins and the best conditions to grow them in. Tom and Marguerite tossed ideas back and forth about how to make Girl Guides more challenging. The three friends slurped their soup and then slipped off to the computer in Tom’s room.
    â€˜I’m writing this time,’ said Bill. ‘I know how my dad writes.’
    â€˜How’s that?’ asked Crispin.
    â€˜Plain and short,’ said Bill.
    Ice-cream with tomato sauce topping.
    Now tell me what your scheme is.
    I’m interested.
    â€˜Ice-cream and tomato sauce,’ said Mat. ‘Triple yuk. Is that some sort of code?’
    â€˜Yes and no,’ said

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