Son of a Gun

Son of a Gun by Joanna Wayne

Book: Son of a Gun by Joanna Wayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Wayne
Tags: Suspense
if you’re not comfortable with having me in the house.”
But Carolina was almost certain there was more behind the suggestion that she take responsibility for Belle. She loved having Belle around, but she wasn’t sure how she’d feel about taking care of her day after day, only to give her up to a stranger that she might not even like.
Emma might have those same fears, perhaps unconsciously. She certainly seemed to be attached to the infant.
“I like having both you and Belle here, Emma. Now go and get your wound checked out.”
Emma would make a wonderful mother one day. And with her ready smile, her ability to deal with problems and her graciousness, she’d make a fantastic wife. Carolina hoped Damien was taking serious note of that.
Unless Emma was fooling them all.
* * *
THE DOCTOR ON DUTY AT THE urgent-care facility had assured Emma that her arm was healing fine and recommended she have the stitches taken out in five days. After that, they’d made a quick stop at a Walmart, where Emma had stocked up on supplies for Belle and picked up some personal items for herself.
The rest of the afternoon and evening passed without incident, though Emma had seen little of Damien since returning to the house. Other than coming to the table for dinner, he’d remained hidden away somewhere in the house. She didn’t know if he was avoiding her or researching Caudillo. Either way, she worried.
Durk had spent most of the time on the enclosed porch, pouring over legal documents and talking on the phone.
Tague, however, had made sure Emma was not neglected. He’d taken her with him to feed the horses and then fascinated her with stories about growing up on the ranch. He’d even asked to hold Belle, but he gave her back quickly when the smells coming from her diaper indicated poop duty. Emma had made quick work of remedying that.
“You smell like a baby now, though, don’t you, little sweetie?” Emma crooned as she lifted Belle to her shoulder for a burp.
When that was taken care of, she lay Belle in her beautiful antique cradle and rocked her gently. Belle’s eyes closed and in seconds she drifted off to sleep.
“Sweet dreams, my precious. Your mother loved you very much, Belle,” she whispered. “I hope your father makes sure you know that.” But fathers had a way of forgetting little girls exist, at least that was how it had been in her world.
Emma placed a kiss on Belle’s forehead and then dropped onto her bed, lying in the darkness as the events of the past two days skirted through her mind like slippery ghosts. She’d planned and plotted her eventual escape from the first minute she realized she’d been kidnapped. Never once did she imagine a man like Damien dropping into her life. Now that he had, she had no idea how to handle her feelings for him.
It was after two in the morning before she finally fell into a restless sleep.
She woke to the sound of her bedroom door creaking open. She opened her eyes and sat up in bed as her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and the shadows creeping across the walls.
“Yes. I’ve brought him to you, my beloved Emma.”
The voice was Caudillo’s. Dread cut off the blood supply to her brain, leaving her nauseous and dizzy.
“Where do you want this?”
Finally her eyes focused on the bloody head that rested in Caudillo’s hand.

Chapter Seven
Damien jerked awake to the bloodcurdling scream. Not bothering to pull on his jeans, he raced down the hallway, shoved open the door and burst into the guest room.
Emma was sitting up in bed, shaking so hard her teeth were rattling. Belle started to cry. Lights popped on throughout the house. Footfalls sounded from all directions.
Damien walked to the edge of the bed. “Are you okay? What happened?”
Emma jumped from the bed and picked up Belle, rocking her in her arms to console the startled infant.
“I had this nightmare, only it was so real. Caudillo was standing by the door holding…” Her voice broke so

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