Somewhere Montana

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Book: Somewhere Montana by MJ Platt Read Free Book Online
Authors: MJ Platt
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hears it he thinks someone else will be taken away from him. She said eventually he’ll overcome it when he realizes there are different degrees of them and not everyone dies. In the meantime, we try to keep the word out of our vocabulary.”
    “How’d it happen?” asked Buck, ever the nosy bartender.
    “She was texting on her cell phone, doing fifty-five miles per hour, and didn’t see the stopped trailer truck, evidently, until it was too late. They said she died on impact. I just thank God she didn’t have the kids with her.”
    Sage watched his face while he relayed the incident. He didn’t seem upset she was gone. Maybe all was not well in paradise. The children seemed more important to him. Then there was the remark he made about the au pair. She frowned at Mac and he shrugged it away.
    “That won’t make him friendly toward me,” murmured Jim. At the father’s quizzical look he added, “I drive a big rig.”
    “You don’t have it here and he hasn’t seen you with one. Shouldn’t make a difference. By the way, I’m Graham Swindon and this is my son, Jarrett, and my daughter, Gina, the chatterbox and social butterfly.”
    “JJ and GG,” corrected his daughter.
    Sage smiled at the little girl, wondering what it would be like to spend time with the children. They were so opposite in their personalities and their response to the tragedy in their young lives.
    “I could watch them for you,” she spoke up, before she could change her mind.
    Mac threw her a worried look. “You sure you’ll have time?”
    “I don’t have that much to do and we can entertain each other.”
    “Who are you?” asked Graham. “You look familiar.”
    “Susan Brown.”
    “A friend of mine from Seattle,” added Mac.
    “You like kids?” asked GG.
    “Yes,” answered Sage. “I work with children at home.”
    “She’ll do,” GG informed her father. That appeared to settle the question for everyone.

Chapter Eight
    At lunch, GG insisted on sitting next to Sage. Max occupied the head of the table with Sage on his right. Two Feathers sat at the other end. The rest were spread evenly on both sides.
    “After lunch, you can get settled into your cabins,” said Mac. “Take a walk around, if you’re so inclined. Just don’t wander too far. Keep the main buildings in sight. I don’t want to have to instigate a man hunt before the camp even starts. Be sure to dress appropriately. We’ll meet back here at six for supper, after which we’ll sit down with the lists I sent you to make sure you have everything necessary.”
    “All the cabins have radiant floor heating,” added Two Feathers. “Each one also has a fireplace. In case you southern boys need a little extra heat. If you don’t know how to use one, ask. We’ll be glad to help you. Don’t need any ac—er, cause to call the fire department.” He shot a quick glance at JJ, but the boy was happily spooning up his stew.
    “This stew is great and the biscuits are heavenly,” stated Alan.
    “Thank you,” said Little Mouse. “Fresh herbs make a big difference. And it’s probably different than what you’re used to. This is elk stew. Dinner tonight will be roast venison.”
    “Will we be cooking meals like this?” asked Buck.
    “No. You will be doing trail meals. If you were out hiking, you wouldn’t have room in your backpacks to tote fresh meat and vegetables safely. Although, you will be taught how to garner fresh meat if necessary for survival,” answered Mac. “And Graham, if you take the children for a walk, keep them with you. Don’t let them wander off. This is a working ranch. There are large animals and machinery in use.”
    “I see horsies?” asked GG, looking expectantly at Mac.
    “Only if an adult is with you,” said Mac.
    “I ride? I ride?” she squeaked, her eyes twinkling with anticipation, bouncing in her chair.
    “Maybe,” answered Mac, smiling. “If you are good for Miss Susan.”
    GG nodded her head enthusiastically, a grin

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