Snowed Over (A Christmas Novella)

Snowed Over (A Christmas Novella) by Angie Stanton Page B

Book: Snowed Over (A Christmas Novella) by Angie Stanton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angie Stanton
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chilled her face. She tucked her hand back under the covers and snuggled into the comfort of soft covers and a warm, firm body next to her.
    Katie’s eyes popped open.  
    Alex lay facing her, one arm under his pillow, the other over her waist. His face, relaxed and gorgeous, sent her heart into somersaults. She took a moment and enjoyed the view of his tousled hair and perfectly shaped mouth. During the day, she tried not to stare at him in case he caught her, but like this—ah. The way that man kissed! She smiled, remembering their marathon make-out session, and wiggled her toes.
    She heard a noise. It sounded like a car door slamming. Oh my god! Were they getting rescued? She sat up and Alex’s arm slid onto her bare legs. Was it the owners? She glanced around at the empty bottles, chocolate wrappers, and dishes from their Christmas Eve party. Instead of stockings over the fire, stray clothes were draped and drying over chairs. They’d sort of trashed the place.
    “Alex. Somebody’s here.” She nudged him.  
    He stirred. “What?”
    Someone knocked on the cabin door. She startled.
    “Wake up!” She shook Alex again. Suddenly, the door opened and a young guy entered. He wore a knit hat, a thick coat and no gloves.
    “Hello? Anybody here?” His eyes scanned the cabin and immediately landed on Katie, the pull-out bed, and Alex’s back. “Oh.” He averted his eyes. “I’m sorry to intrude. I’m trying to find my…”
    “Jason?” Alex rolled over and sat up, immediately awake.
    The young guy broke into a huge grin. “Alex! You son of a bitch!” He stomped the snow off his boots and crossed the room. Alex, wearing nothing more than plaid boxers, met Jason halfway. They exchanged a bear hug and pounded each other on the back.
    Katie stared at Alex’s long legs, lean waist and muscled chest. She couldn’t believe she’d snuggled against him all night. She smoothed her t-shirt and wished she hadn’t slipped off her sweat pants last night when she got too warm. Alex’s body radiated heat like a furnace. What would his brother think of her?
    “Why am I not surprised it’s you that showed up?” Alex asked. Both men grinned, and Katie saw the brotherly resemblance.
    “New tires, a snow plow and the biggest blizzard in years, how could it not be me? Plus, watching mom bite her nails and try not to cry put a damper on the holidays. You really screwed up Christmas.”
    “Sorry about that.” Alex scratched his head, mussing his hair more. “Oh shoot. I’m sorry. Katie, this is my brother, Jason. I told you he loves to play in the snow.”  
      “Hi,” she said, embarrassed to be found in bed his brother. Her head throbbed, and she knew she looked like hell. She certainly felt like it.
    “Hi,” he said.  
    She noticed that Jason fought back a grin as he took in the disarray of the room. It looked like they did a lot more than they should have.  
    Jason turned to his brother. “Alex, I should warn you—”
    Alex interrupted before his brother could finish. “Jason, Katie made the most amazing meal last night.”
    “Alex.” Jason started again, with a concerned expression.
    “You wouldn’t believe what she can cook over a fire.”
    “Alex!” Jason snapped loudly to get his attention.
    “What?” he answered, distracted.
    “I didn’t come alone,” he said in a quiet voice and tilted his head toward the door.  
    “Oh,” Alex said. “Oh!” His eyes bugged out and he turned to Katie with a pained expression.
    What? She wished she could read his mind.  
    The door opened and a whip of a girl appeared. Dressed in a white jacket with a fur-lined hood, she could have modeled in an ad for the Ugg boots she wore. Silky blond hair, pink glossy lips and long, dark lashes framed her doe eyes.  
    Trina .
    Katie stared, dumbstruck, at this tiny cream puff who’d invaded her secret, snowed-over holiday.  
    “Alex! Oh my god!” She launched herself unexpectedly into his arms. “Oh, baby. I

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