She drew back away from the weapon instinctively .
    "Take it," he ordered .
    "Why now?"
    "Just in case." He didn't complete the thought but s he understood what he refused to say.
    In case he didn't make it tonight and she was left on her own. So he didn't believe in his earlier promise either.
    He continued holding out the gun but she shook her head refusing to take it.
    "I…I don't know how to shoot one of those."
    He let out an exasperated sigh.
    "I'll show you."
    He positioned the gun in his hand and aimed it at a bare wall as though he was going to shoot .
    " You hold the gun with your dominant hand high up on the grip, in your case your right hand. It's heavy, so you may have to use your other ha nd to  hold the grip like this." He positioned his other hand.
    "Now, y ou click off the safety like this . And th is is the most important thing: Make sure you 've got the gun exactly on your target. You want yo ur shot to be clean . Trust your instinct. When you pull the trigger, you have to be fast and precise because I guarantee y ou , you won't get a second chance. "
    He demonstrated each point and then explained the same points again. After the second demonstration, h e offered her the gun to hold and again she refused.
    A fleeting exasperation crossed his face and he grabbed her by the arm, lifting her up from the bed.
    "You're going to do this , now!" he said with a determination that didn't brook any argument.
    He stood behind her, shoved the gun in to her unwilling hand and guided her to the correct stance and hand motion s , his breath tickling her flesh as he spoke the instructions near her ear. At certain points, his hand closed over hers as he guid ed her.
    "When you aim, aim at the head or the heart. In other words, shoot to kill."
    Given the circumstances, she shouldn't feel this unhinged by his closeness. Shouldn't shudder at the touch of his breath on her skin.
    He was trying to keep her alive. And she was trying to resist the overwhelming and confusing feelings going through her . The f ear and adrenaline only added to the emotions.
    Even though her anger had ebbed, she jerked out of his grip and turned to face him. The gun was heavy in her hand.
    "I'm not like you ! I can't kill someone in cold blood! "
    "Then you do in hot blood. You do it in anger, you do it in fear, you do it with the desperation to stay alive . Whatever gives you an edge. Just do it," he said coldly.
    C hastened, Nailah slowly allowed her fingers to grip the gun handle, and this time, when he instructed her through the steps, she obediently complied with each directive .
    The lesson continued for several minutes. Only after she 'd demonstrated enough competence did he finally let up. She searched h is expression for some response but she couldn't read him .
    She laid the gun down on the night table and the action felt normal even in its incongruity . Strange how the small room had become a haven to her , a refuge from the craziness and danger . A place where she felt safe… for the moment.
    Dele sat down on the edge of the bed. He seemed tired and m ore than a little stressed.
    The discarded ripped shirt hung half on, half off the side of the bed where he had laid it earlier . The horrible image made her shiver .
    She pull ed her eyes away from the bloodied mess only to find Dele staring at her. Sh e h ad the feeling he'd been staring at her for some time. S he felt disconcerted to have all of his attention on her.
    They were both facing death. There wasn't time for anything else.
    Still, t he adrenaline was working her body, driving the blood and juices.
    His dark eyes were unwavering as he stared her down.
    Unnerved, she asked the question she'd been thinking for some time .
    "Aren't you ever scared?"
    His answer was stated simply. "Always."
    That one word took her by surprise and forced her to reassess him for the moment . All this time s he'd thought he had it t ogether outmaneuvering and outthinking the gang . But she realized

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