Slow Burn
her, not when seduction often produced the right results. He
reached out to caress her cheek with his knuckles. The feel of her
warm skin, soft and smooth, sent a jolt through his system. In a
beat, desire pulsed along his nerves.
    She stiffened, but didn’t move away. Her
eyes, wary and defenseless, tugged at him, making him feel like a
low-life for using the attraction between them to get his way.
    “Ashley.” He kept his voice low, heard her
catch her breath and felt her body quiver. Perfect. “Do this for
me, babe.”
    Her breathing became shallow, her gaze
asking, begging for…what? He was more than willing to accommodate
any needs she might have. His too. He moved closer and dropped his
head until her cheek was a whisper away from his. Anticipation
surged through him. He meant to seduce her, yet he was the one
losing control of his senses. Her scent, her warmth, the need in
her eyes all seem to call to him. Hadn’t he told himself a moment
ago he couldn’t afford to be distracted? The urge to taste her was
so strong he could barely breathe.
    His “I need you,” was true in every sense of
the word.
    Another shudder shook her body. Her mouth
opened, hopefully to say ‘yes,’ but the peeling sound of her
doorbell intruded. Ron smothered a curse and glared at the door.
The moment was lost when Ashley blinked, as though waking from a
stupor, and jerked away from him. Her eyes narrowed.
    He braced himself for another slap, waited
while she glowered, her breathing uneven. He was surprised when she
relaxed and laughed.
    “Were you by any chance trying to seduce me
into doing your will, Ronald Noble? Shame on you.”
    His ears grew hot in embarrassment. Still, he
managed to flash a grin and stepped back. “You can’t blame a guy
for trying.”
    “You’re unbelievable.” Ashley rolled her
    “My middle name, babe,” he said as the
doorbell rang, again. When she looked at the clock and frowned.
“Your date? I ought to sue the bastard for ruining a perfect
    “Perfect?” She sucked her teeth in
exasperation, then jerked her thumb toward the counter, where he’d
left his keys. “Take your keys and leave before I say something
that’s inappropriate.”
    He thought she sounded thoroughly disgusted
with him, until he saw the corner of her mouth lift before she
turned and started for the door. He sauntered to the counter,
picked up his keys and approached her. She still hadn’t opened the
door, just stood there with her hand on the knob.
    “Are you saying you weren’t even a little bit
enthralled by my moves?” he asked.
    She laughed. “Not even close. Better luck
next time, pal.”
    “Hmm, next time. I like the sound of
    “I didn’t mean…I meant to say…” A sigh
escaped her. “You know what I meant.”
    He grinned, loving the vulnerable look in her
eyes. A confused Ashley was as riveting as one in a full-blown
temper. How would she look when fully aroused? He only caught a
glimpse of how responsive she could be during that brief caress,
and he loved it.
    “I do know what you meant. You want me to do
a better job next time.” He winked. “And I plan not to disappoint
    She shook her head. “You are, without a
doubt, the most arrogant man I’ve ever met. You’re a pain in the
a…in the you-know-where and I want you gone.” She jerked the door
    “Babe, if I were anywhere near your
delectable you-know-where , pain is the last thing you’d be
feeling.” His gaze ran down her curvaceous body, lingered around
her rounded ass. Hmm, he loved some meat on a woman, something to
hold and bite. Their gazes met. Her eyes were wide, as though he’d
shocked her. He grinned. She hadn’t heard anything yet.
    “Ah-hmm, excuse me?” a male voice interrupted
them from the doorway.
    Ron turned his attention to the tall man
wearing an expensive black suit and an amused smile. His gut
tightened with envy. Lucky bastard.
    Her senses still thrumming from the hot

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