Sky's Dark Labyrinth

Sky's Dark Labyrinth by Stuart Clark Page B

Book: Sky's Dark Labyrinth by Stuart Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stuart Clark
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university. Panting, he made his way inside and, after a brief search, found Jessenius in a room of preserving jars. The anatomist was lifting one to the light so that he could study its ghoulish contents.
    â€˜Tycho is in Prague. It looks as though he is here to stay.’
    Jessenius turned from his inspection. ‘Have you not heard? You do bury yourself away sometimes.’
    â€˜Heard what?’ asked Kepler.
    â€˜Ursus is dead. Tycho is the new imperial mathematician. He is moving into the Golden Griffin, beneath the Palace, on Hradčany Hill.’
    â€˜Jan, I beg you. Arrange a meeting with him for me. Let me persuade him to give me a second chance. I have spent this year selling fortunes. My brain withers without the challenge of his observations.’
    Jessenius set down the jar, the unidentified clump inside jostling from side to side. ‘But you know how disastrous it was last time.’
    â€˜I was ill, my mind was not my own.’
    â€˜On the day I brought you home, Tycho whispered to me that all could be forgotten with a letter of apology yet you sent him one of abuse.’
    â€˜I was raving with sickness, you know that. I behaved like a dog. But I am cured now, no traces of fever for months.’ Kepler took a step forwards. ‘Please, Jan. No preconditions this time, I will do anything. Barbara is with child. I need a sponsor.’
    Jessenius ran a finger across the tabletop. ‘Very well. I will see what I can do.’

    Kepler thought it fitting that Tycho’s household should take up residence in a former inn. Indeed, the Golden Griffin’s serving room was the first location he saw when Jessenius held open the front door for him that morning. The wide space was lined with faded wooden panels and its trestle tables were still strewn with the remains of breakfast. An overturned goblet had spilled its contents onto the table, and the stain offered a hint of the wood’s original colour.
    Two servants were clearing away, piling up the leftovers and stacking the plates. One girl was tiny, easily mistaken for a child; the other was buxom, with wide hips. The men shook the rain from their hooded cloaks, drawing their attention. The big one ambled over and took their wet garments.
    â€˜We’re here to see Tycho,’ said Jessenius.
    â€˜Who isn’t?’ she muttered and listlessly went to announce their arrival.
    â€˜Remember, Johannes, I’m taking a risk here for you today. One hint of your temper …’
    â€˜I know.’
    â€˜Tycho is now the most powerful mathematician in the world. You cannot upset him.’
    â€˜I know.’
    â€˜It’s just that …’
    â€˜Jan, I know.’ Kepler turned. ‘I’ve learned my lesson.’
    As Tycho approached them Kepler noticed that his face was fleshier than before and his overall bulk had increased. At his neck he wore a set of heavy gold chains that seemed to pull him into a stoop. A stiff-legged stalk had replaced his waddling gait. In his rounded breeches, his legs resembled giant upturned hams as they tapered to unexpectedly delicate ankles.
    Tengnagel was just behind him; there was no spare room abreast in the corridor, but as they entered the bar, he took hold of Tycho’s elbow. ‘Allow me, sir.’
    â€˜I don’t need your help.’
    Tengnagel dropped back, contenting himself with a glare at Kepler.
    Tycho stopped a few feet in front of them and greeted Jessenius. Then he faced Kepler and stepped forwards.
    It was still impossible for Kepler to read those hazel eyes but it was no effort to hold their gaze. After a moment’s appraisal, Tycho reached out his arms and drew a surprised Kepler into a bear hug. The Master smelled like food on the turn.
    â€˜Welcome, Herr Kepler. I have missed you.’
    â€˜And I you.’ A wave of emotion enveloped Kepler. He masked it with some deep breaths.
    They released each other and stepped

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