Six Guns Straight From Hell - Tales Of Horror And Dark Fantasy From The Weird Weird West

Six Guns Straight From Hell - Tales Of Horror And Dark Fantasy From The Weird Weird West by Jennifer Campbell-Hicks, David B. Riley (Editors)

Book: Six Guns Straight From Hell - Tales Of Horror And Dark Fantasy From The Weird Weird West by Jennifer Campbell-Hicks, David B. Riley (Editors) Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Campbell-Hicks, David B. Riley (Editors)
his older siblings. Luke had the courage to step forward and, with hat in hands, asked what the dark lord thought was so funny.
    “ Vampires can't change shape, can't fly or turn to smoke. It's simple physics. Where would my clothes go? I certainly can't change them into smoke. Even if I went into the vault without clothing, how would I get the money back out?”
    The three brothers' faces turned white, as if Daniel had already drained their blood. Luke was the first to recover. “So, then what special powers do vampires have?”
    “ You mean besides the ability to see in the dark and live forever? Well, as a race, we're stronger and faster than humans because we're not hampered by pain. As long as we have blood, we can exist underground or underwater for long periods of time without air. Without blood, we succumb to a dormant state and will eventually become one with the dirt we sleep in.”
    The brothers contemplated this turn of events. “Wait!” said Paul, “I don't remember seeing a metal floor, now that I think about it. They're gonna pour concrete for the floor.”
    Daniel was puzzled. “Concrete?”
    Matthew, answered, “Yes, sir. It's this stone you make with water.”
    “ I know what concrete is. The Romans used a variation of it long before some sheriff decided to make a vault from it.”
    “ But a vampire could probably bust through it,” said Paul, “You said yous was super strong.”
    Daniel acted insulted, “Cement is nothing, boy. Vampires break out of stone crypts occasionally. This should pose no problem.” He was exaggerating, of course. Depending on how thick the layer was, it could make the task arduous. The longer a vampire was without air and blood, the weaker he became. Guessing where Paul was going, Daniel asked, “So, then, your idea would be to bury yourself before they pour this concrete and bust through once the money has been placed in there?”
    Paul nodded, and Luke asked, “You sure you want to do that, Pauly? Lot could go wrong.”
    “ I'm sure. This is the only way.”
    “ He'll need to be buried in a box, so he has room to move around.” Daniel could feel a touch of excitement. Not that he derived any pleasure from robbery, but the idea of breaking into a supposedly unbreakable bank did give his ego a boost. “Do you have an idea how long it'll take to finish the project?”
    “ Three weeks,” answered Luke, “They're going to put the floor in end of the week.”
    “ Three weeks is a long time for a vampire to be without blood.” Daniel looked around. Around his cave were crates and boxes of stuff he'd collected over his long after-life. He went to an ornate chest and pulled out a bottle. It was red quartz and glisten like a ruby in the torchlight. “Here, take this.” He handed it to Matthew. “Fill it with your blood right before you bury your brother. It has special properties that will keep that blood fresh up to a month. If he drinks it right before breaking through, he'll get a boost of strength.”
    Luke reached for the bottle, “I'll fill it.”
    “ No,” corrected Daniel, “Virgin blood is stronger.”
    Matthew blushed, but Luke kept the bottle.
    Daniel, knowing he was going to feast, wasn't going to ask for a reward, but Paul's attitude had made it necessary. “And to my fee, I want ten percent of your take.”
    “ What does some moth-eaten vampire want with money?”
    Daniel smiled, “Why, a weekend in New Orleans, of course.”
    Without preamble, Daniel launched himself across the room and sunk his elongated fangs into Paul's jugular, relishing the fear that rushed through the young man's vein. Reflexively, Paul screamed and fought to get himself free, but Daniel wrapped one arm around him like a lover. The siblings yelled Paul's name and rushed forward, but Daniel held up a cautioning hand and they stopped.
    The nectar was sweet and ended all too soon. Once the heart beat slowed to an occasional thump, Daniel released Paul and made a small slit

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