Six Guns Straight From Hell - Tales Of Horror And Dark Fantasy From The Weird Weird West

Six Guns Straight From Hell - Tales Of Horror And Dark Fantasy From The Weird Weird West by Jennifer Campbell-Hicks, David B. Riley (Editors) Page B

Book: Six Guns Straight From Hell - Tales Of Horror And Dark Fantasy From The Weird Weird West by Jennifer Campbell-Hicks, David B. Riley (Editors) Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Campbell-Hicks, David B. Riley (Editors)
joined them. “Thanks for coming, sir.”
    Daniel dismissed the gratitude. “How did he get himself stuck?”
    Luke started, “When Paul didn't come out on the night he was supposed to, the next day we managed to get into the vault saying we was putting some of mom's heirlooms in a safe place.”
    Matthew broke in, “While Luke kept the bank manager busy, I paced off the steps to where Pauly was buried and found a huge stack of gold piled right on top. I made like I tripped and could see his fingers wiggling in between some gold bars.”
    “ Okay, so why doesn't he dig himself a bit farther and come up in a different place?”
    “ He used up his energy busting through the concrete, we think. We watched them pour it and it was very thick.”
    Daniel had been afraid of this. “Well, I still don't see why I have to rescue him.”
    Luke was stern, “Cause if they find him there and figure out what he is, they're going to wonder how he got that way. They'll trace him back to us, and maybe back to you. Ain't it better they don't find him down there?”
    The man had a point.
    The trio moved quietly into town. The place had grown over the last ten years. Even when the gambling dens closed down, Drowned Horse had managed to survive as a rest stop between Flagstaff and Phoenix.
    The two-story building faced the sheriff's office, so they approached the bank from the back. Daniel could see a window on the second story. He jumped up and grabbed the window sill, forced the pane up and dropped back to the ground. He carried the other two, one at a time, up and through the window. It was only when he reached the vault door that he had to pause.
    It was big. A vampire could never tear this thing off its hinges; so instead, Daniel examined the dial and the huge wheel that would be turned when the combination was entered. While Daniel didn't know anything about modern locks, he knew a few things about older ones.
    He pulled off the dial and exposed the workings beneath. He ripped out parts until he could fit his hand in. He felt around until he grasped something he guessed was the fulcrum and yanked on it. A loud clank reverberated in the alcove. He drew out his hand and turned the wheel. It spun effortlessly and the brothers pulled open the door. The room was dark, which was no problem for Daniel, but Matthew had to grab a lamp from one of the desks and light it. The Dark Lord was impressed. He'd not seen so much gold since his time in Persia. There was currency here, too. Bundles of bills and rolls of coins lined the walls. Yes, he could have a good time in Louisiana with this.
    Luke and Matthew uncovered the spot where their brother lay. Daniel stepped over to where Paul's hand was sticking out and freed his ward. Pushing aside the gold with some effort, he yanked the still new vampire through the stone floor. Concrete and dust swirled around and the boys coughed as they gathered around Paul. He looked remarkably well despite his weeks in captivity. The brothers patted him on the back.
    Daniel, concerned about more monetary matters, picked up a bar of gold and immediately noticed something odd. It weighed less than any gold he'd hefted previously. Daniel ran a nail over the metal only to flake off gold paint. It was a painted lead bar. Without warning, the vampire lord was slammed into from behind. He hit the wall, spilling trays of money to the floor. As he scrambled to right himself, he saw that only the top bill of each stack was real.
    He rolled to find his assailant lunging for him again. It was Paul, who was a lot stronger than he should be, considering. Daniel heard the brothers urge him on.
    “ Hold him fast, Paul. We'll trigger the door.”
    The Dark Lord was nothing if not older and smarter in a fight. He broke free of the young vampire. He lunged for the opening just as the two humans passed through, but before he could follow, an imbedded metal door dropped, sealing him in.
    The trap sent an uncomfortable surge of energy

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