Singapore Fling
eyes sent a shiver down her spine and blistering need
burning in her pussy. He wanted her. There was no doubt in her
mind, but would he do anything about it? With nothing to lose and
everything to gain, Carly jumped in with both feet.
    “Sure.” She shrugged. “But it would depend on
who I was flinging with.”
    “Really? So it’s not just any port in a storm?”
he asked.
    “No. I’m very picky about who I play with.” She
let her gaze roam his body, taking her time, down over his chest
and stomach to the noticeable bulge in his jeans. “It’s not
something I do on a whim.”
    “Do you normally proposition men in
    “No.” In for a penny, in for a pound. “You’re the first.”
    Now that she’d moved her hungry gaze from his
crotch she saw the smile playing over his lips.
    “Good. I’d hate to think this was a bad habit
you have.” He watched her closely before adding, “I’d have to
punish you if it was.”
    Her eyes widened and her tummy lurched.
    “Oh yeah. I’d turn you over my knee and spank
that sexy ass of yours.”
    Air rushed from her lungs and fluid seeped from
her rapidly swelling pussy.
    “I see you wouldn’t be adverse to such a thing.
Good to know.”
    The waiter placed their drinks on the table,
saving Carly from commenting further. Her throat dry, she grabbed
her glass, sucked on the straw and filled her mouth with the sweet
alcohol-laced cocktail. She wasn’t sure what rattled her more—that
Saxon wasn’t the buttoned-down man she thought he was or the
arousal coursing through her at the thought of being spanked. As
far as she was concerned anything that brought pleasure was fair
game but she’d never gone down that road before.
    “Slow down. We haven’t eaten yet, and on an
empty stomach a Sling will get you drunk real quick,” Saxon
    The straw slipped from her lips and she sucked
in a deep breath. He was right, getting drunk wasn’t a good idea.
Not if she wanted to get him into bed. She held the cold glass
against her cheek but the icy chill did nothing to cool her off. In
the six months she’d worked at Saxon’s company they’d never
flirted. Not that anyone got past Brenda, his bitch of a personal
assistant. That barracuda had just about foamed at the mouth when
she found out Carly and the boss were flying to Singapore and would
be alone together for over a week.
    A smile of delight stretched her lips as she
remembered the look on Brenda’s face. Carly had felt smug ever
    “What has you grinning with evil
    She looked at him and decided the truth
couldn’t hurt. She’d always been a straight shooter in her
professional and personal life, no point stopping now. “I was
remembering the look on the personal assistant from hell’s face
when you told her I was coming with you on this trip. She was less
than pleased with the idea.”
    “Probably because she knows I’ve watched you
from the moment you walked through my office door. Unlike some, she
knows lust when she sees it.”
    Her mouth dropped open and she gaped like a
stranded fish. Her jaw flapped along with her brain. He’d been
watching her?
    “Yes, Carly, I’ve watched you and thought of
nothing but having you under me from the minute you arrived. So if
you’re still up for that fling I’m more than happy to play with
    Saxon smiled as he took in Carly’s shocked
expression. She thought she’d stunned him earlier with her fling
comment. Not a chance. It was the pain from his instantly stiff
cock pressing into his fly that had him choking on his own breath.
He’d spent the last five days trying to think of a way to get her
in his bed. Now that he knew she was more than interested in being
there, he wouldn’t hold back. And once he got her there she’d be
staying longer than the weekend. His gut told him getting his fill
of her would take more than a fling.
    Everything about her oozed sex, from the way
she spoke to the way she walked. Oh, she

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