Silver Bay Song

Silver Bay Song by M J Rutter Page A

Book: Silver Bay Song by M J Rutter Read Free Book Online
Authors: M J Rutter
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deck in the rain, gazing at the ocean in the storm. She caught me looking, turned around and slammed her door shut.
    Seven beers and I picked up my phone, I wasn’t totally trashed, but on my way, I dialled the only number I had memorized, Parker Price, the moody bass player in the band, the only one I trusted.
    “Hello?” he said into my ear.
    “Parker, it’s me, Ka…uh, Max.”
    “Where the fuck are you, man?” he yelled.
    “A small seaside town called Silver Bay in North Carolina,” I answered.
    “Everyone is looking for you, even your mother has been here, she’s at your house. Call her and tell her you are okay.”
    “I can’t, I uh, I fucked up and I need some shit, do you have anything?”
    “No, I am clean, have been for weeks. Come home, I’ll help you, we all will.”
    “Help me, how?”
    “With your addiction, there are clinics and…”
    “Parker, I am not an addict, I am just sick and right now I want to get shit faced and maybe smoke a little weed.” I snapped. “I have to go, don’t tell anyone I called.” I ended the call and drank another beer. Flopping down on the couch, I remember my eyes feeling so heavy…
    Ding Dong!
    My eyes snapped open, the house was lit up like it was the holidays and the TV was on. The room smelled stuffy and as I slowly sat up, I could see my living room floor was littered with empty beer bottles.
    Ding Dong!
    The noise echoed out and vibrated in my aching head. I staggered to the door and pulled it open, Skylar frowned. She held out some clothes and the bag containing the box of condoms.
    “You look like shit,” she remarked handing the items to me.
    “Thanks,” I grumbled.
    “I just need to know something. Was it pity, did you sleep with me because you felt sorry for me?”
    “No.” I frowned.
    “Then why did you sleep with me?”
    “I am attracted to you, you are beautiful and sexy and I wanted you more than I have ever wanted anybody.” I scoffed.
    “So, what changed things?” she asked. I felt too crappy to go into this.
    “You, the way you spoke of Jay, I know I would never be that for you.” I answered.
    “You are right, because he was my soulmate and you only get that kind of love once in your life.” She agreed. “Right, well, thank you for your honesty.”
    “Skylar, please come in.”
    “No,” she sighed.
    “Please, we can be adults, adults who just so happen to have amazing sex with each other, don’t you want that? No strings, no commitments, don’t you just want to have a little fun?” She thought for a few moments, maybe all was not lost. “Look, I am a mess, I need a shower and a shave, so please come in and make some coffee and then we can talk.”
    “I am not sleeping with you again,” she frowned.
    “Coffee and a chat,” I confirmed. She nodded and stepped inside. My heart jump started again. Maybe I felt more for her than I first thought.  
    I took two Tylenol and shaved as quickly as I could while the water for the shower ran. As I washed my hair, two hands moved over my shoulders as cold breasts pressed against my back, shortly followed by lips kissing my neck. I turned to face her, she smiled slightly,
    “What we have is real simple, we take it one day at a time and see where it goes, okay?”
    “Okay,” I nodded and she firmly took hold of me.
    “You are going to need this,” she said holding out a wrapped condom in her hand. I thought I was going to have to beg her for forgiveness, grovel even, but no, here she was, naked in my shower wanting me to make love to her.
    “Are you sure about this?” I asked.
    “I have never been more certain of anything,” she nodded and kissed me. “Just sex, no strings attached?”
    “If you are okay with that?” I nodded.
    “I am, are you?”
    “Yes,” I affirmed.
    Something about the way she acted concerned me for all of three seconds, in that time I was already inside of her and my mind went blank. She had

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