Silver Bay Song

Silver Bay Song by M J Rutter

Book: Silver Bay Song by M J Rutter Read Free Book Online
Authors: M J Rutter
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shoulders and hooked my bag over my arm. We walked silently to the car and I wondered why he was sulking, he only gave me half an answer at that was okay, but because he didn’t like to hear me talk about Jay, he got upset. Was he a man or a teenager?          
    I pulled the roof up on my car before we set off toward home, he sat quietly next to me and it began to piss me off. I hadn’t done anything wrong, so why was he being such a jerk about it all? After all, he asked me about Jay. When we got back to my house, dots of rain splashed on the windshield.
    “What’s wrong?” I asked.
    “Nothing,” he shrugged.
    “Crap, you have sulked all the way back. Is it because of Jay?”
    “I suppose so, yes.”
    “Because he gave you something I can’t,” he answered sourly and pushed the car door open.
    “What does that mean?” I demanded.
    “I just don’t want you to get your hopes up about this,” he shrugged.
    “You mean about us,” I clarified.
    “What do you want from it?” he asked turning his head to face me.
    “I don’t know,” I answered with a sigh. “Is this your way to tell me that this is a summer fling and that in a few weeks you will go back to your life and fiancé and I will just be a thing you screwed whenever you felt like it?”
    “I never said that, I have no intention of going back to Beth,” he said shaking his head. “I just don’t want you to think that we have a real future, because the truth is, we probably don’t.”
    Heat raced to my head, “Do you not think that is something you should have told me yesterday, you know, before screwing my brains out?” I barked.
    “And here it is,” he climbed out of the car. I climbed out and slammed my car door shut.
    “How dare you,” I snapped. “How dare you do this to me. I am not a tramp or cheap. I deserve better than a screw when you are horny.”
    “I know and I don’t want to lead you in to thinking that there will be a happy ever after, because nothing could be further from the truth. I’m sorry, Skylar, but this is just two adults enjoying each other’s company and having sex.”
    “Was,” I retorted. “This was about an asshole using me to get his kicks and then dropping me when he’s had his fill. Well, you know what, Kaden Wright, you are a dick.”   
    “Come on, Skylar, don’t tell me you were expecting something to come out of this?”
    “Am I that bad then?” I demanded. He just stared blankly. “Thanks, you really know how to make a girl feel better.” I began walking to my house.
    “I thought you were just along for the ride. I didn’t think you were expecting a ring out it.” I spun around, rain had soaked through his shirt.
    “I wouldn’t want a ring from you if you were the last man on the planet. Who would want to marry an egotistical prick like you anyway? I am grateful you showed me how you truly felt before this went any further, so thanks for that.” I yelled and walked towards my house.
    “Skylar… Skylar.”
    “Fuck you, Kaden!” I snapped and hurried inside my house. Hot tears stung my eyes, tears of pain and tears of fury. At that moment, had he knocked my door, I probably would have hit him.

                  “You fucking idiot,” I roared, launching the bag across the room. What the hell did I just do? I got all pissy over her dead fiancé and then to add insult to her wounds, I insinuate that she was just a lay. Way to go, Dickhead!
                  I pulled a beer from my fridge and drank it dry, then another, my hands were shaking, but this wasn’t symptoms, this was rage. Why would I throw everything away? The doctor told me I was going to be okay, that they could manage the MS, was I still considering ending my life?
                  Five beers later and I started to feel a little calmer. Until I saw her standing on her

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