Silas (Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Desired by a Dragon Book 1)

Silas (Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Desired by a Dragon Book 1) by Terra Wolf, Hailey Storm

Book: Silas (Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Desired by a Dragon Book 1) by Terra Wolf, Hailey Storm Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terra Wolf, Hailey Storm
pressed her chest against mine and looked directly into my eyes. “I think I know.” Her mouth slanted across mine as her fingers intertwined themselves in the hair along the base of my neck.
    I ran with the little bit of freedom she’d given me, and thrust my tongue deeper into her mouth. Hunger flared within me. It had been too long since I’d tasted her. I burrowed past her lips, possessing her mouth in a way I had no other. Violet was special, I could feel it. Being with her was meant to be. I could feel my dragon uncoiling inside me as it pulsed to life with the energy created between the two of us. Something was happening, and I thought I knew exactly what it was—I’d found my mate.
    And now, my dragon was about to claim her.

Chapter 17
    I let out a deep sigh of pleasure at the feeling of Silas’s hands roaming my body. His lips trailed kisses along my neck as he groped my right breast through my tank top. I could feel his stony hardness pressing against my upper thigh as I unintentionally ground against him. The sudden urge to take him into my mouth flitted through me. I wanted to make him feel the same heady blissfulness he always seemed to cause in me. Never had I wanted to do something like that to Jackson voluntarily. It had always felt like a chore I dreaded, akin to something like folding laundry or washing the dishes.
    With Silas, it was different. I wanted to give back. Or maybe it was because the idea of rendering him helpless against my tongue and lips as I brought him pleasure only I could control turned me on more than I ever thought it could.
    Silas took my face between his hands and forced me to look at him. “If we don’t stop now, I don’t know that I’ll be able to. You have to tell me what you want.”
    What I wanted was for him to rip all my clothes off and bend me over the couch while he pounded me from behind, giving me the best orgasm I’d ever felt in my life. But what I said was, “Don’t stop. I don’t want to stop.”
    His pupils dilated, causing the golden color of his eyes to darken. “Are you sure?”
    “I’m positive,” I breathed, realizing how true my words actually were. I wanted him to take me. I was his. “I’m yours.”
    A wicked grin twisted onto Silas’s face. “Damn right you are.”
    Those words coming from anyone else would have sent alarm bells ringing through my body, forcing me to back away and retreat from the situation, but because it was Silas, they only intensified what I was feeling.
    His hard cock pressed against me and I reached between our bodies to rub the bulge in his slacks. The desire to touch it, hold it, put it in my mouth was nearly overwhelming. A hiss escaped his lips as he rolled his head back and closed his eyes. Wetness coated my panties. It was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. His fingertips dug into my hips as he fused me against his body. I wanted more. I wanted him inside me.
    As though he could read my mind, he cupped my ass and hoisted me up so that I was forced to wrap my legs around him. Carrying me as if I weighed nothing, he started up the wooden stairs behind us toward what was sure to be his bedroom. He moved fast. Soon we were falling into his bed. He maneuvered me until I was lined up beneath him so that he could grind his erection against my pulsing center while he continued to kiss me.
    I pulled at the edges of his shirt, ready to feel more of him against me. He tugged at the neckline and pulled it off in a swift movement, revealing all of his muscular glory. I pressed my lips to his chest, working my way toward one of his hard-budded nipples as I allowed my hands free range along the smooth, hard planes of his back. When I reached his nipple, I gently bit down. It was something I’d never done before, something I’d never even thought of, but with Silas, I felt brave enough to try new things. He moaned and I reached for the button on his slacks, eager to feel him in my hands. The second I undid them, he

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