Should Have Killed The Kid

Should Have Killed The Kid by R. Frederick Hamilton Page B

Book: Should Have Killed The Kid by R. Frederick Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. Frederick Hamilton
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sack shook and shuddered as the figure trudged forward.
    Dave didn’t even realise how creeped out he was until the figure abruptly stopped and his heart gave such a loud thump that he thought it might explode.
    He couldn’t shake the sudden feeling that it was watching him. That he’d just witnessed something that he shouldn’t have and the figure was going to make certain that he never…
    Why don’t you move out of the window, then? The thought had absolutely no effect and Dave stood frozen, staring down as the figure dropped the sack and straightened. His heart thumped again.
    Stop being stupid. I mean there’s a path there. It’s not like he’s skulking through my backyard. Besides he can’t see me. If I can’t see him properly then he can’t see me–
    Dave stopped trying to convince himself when he realised that backlit by the room’s lights, not to mention holding a lit cigarette in his hand, he didn’t exactly make for an unobtrusive presence. The best he could hope was that the figure might not be able to make out his face. Even if that was the case they’d sure as hell know someone was there.
    There was no doubt now that the person on the path had spotted him. He took a step forward and Dave felt like he was about to vomit.
    Okay time to move! his mind roared but Dave seemed powerless to obey it as the figure edged toward the semi circle of light.
    Maybe I should call the cops?
    What and tell them there’s a man on the path outside my room? That’ll go down a–
    Oh shit!
    Dave’s building panic skyrocketed as the eyes burned out of the night at him and he realised exactly who it was out on the path.
    No no no no…
    He squeezed his eyes shut, unwilling to believe that it was possible but when he reopened them, the same sight greeted him once more.
    Monty. The old guy from the bar the night before, standing in the semi circle of light with his head cocked to one side. Staring.
    The terrifying eyes bored straight through Dave, their intensity sending him weak at the knees.
    Oh shit, oh fuck. Dave wilted beneath the gaze. Once his paralysis finally broke, he spun away from the window, thumping flat against the wall next to it. His hammering heart felt as though it was slowly making its way up into his throat.
    He drew in a long, shaky breath but, as the realisation hit that it was even more alarming having Monty out of sight, he edged across and peeked back out the window.
    He almost collapsed in relief when he saw that Monty was gone. See it’s no– But it was short lived when he saw that the squirming sack was still sitting in the middle of the path.
    Dave went for his mobile. Tripping and sprawling in his haste to grab the phone from where he’d left it sitting on the bed. Though when he had it in hand and flipped up the top – nearly tearing the charger free in his haste – Dave found himself hesitating once more. Am I overreacting? He didn’t know. Should I call? Am I being dumb? The barrage of questions did little to help his indecision.
    After a second's thought he placed the phone back down and then haltingly made his way to the door of the room. He eased it open and peered out into the corridor beyond. He listened intently, torn, still weighing up what he wanted to do.
    It was hard to tell but he thought he could hear something downstairs – though when he’d left the bar, the Gallo’s had still been awake and at it, so maybe it was just them?
    Yeah but maybe it’s not… An insistently nagging voice just wouldn’t let it go and after a couple more seconds, Dave relented.
    Fuck it, what’s the worst that can happen, he thought and darted back into the room. He scooped up his phone and plugged in three zeros but paused for one last second before he hit the green button.
    The scream ripped through the Hotel just as he pushed down and Dave jumped, dropping the phone as jittery adrenaline rocketed through his body. A second scream followed in its wake accompanied by a strange

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