Should Have Killed The Kid

Should Have Killed The Kid by R. Frederick Hamilton Page A

Book: Should Have Killed The Kid by R. Frederick Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. Frederick Hamilton
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before I go back downstairs, he thought.
    What followed was a comedy of errors that left Dave regretting there was ever such an invention as a mobile phone. A good ten minutes passed before he even managed to extricate the cord from the knot his clothing had clumped into within the bag. A further, rage-inducing twenty followed as he stumbled around the room, searching for a power point. Then, once he'd located it in the worst possible position – tucked away beneath the bed, right in the corner – the ordeal of plugging it in began.
    By the time he'd finished, Dave was pissed off, hot and sweaty and, combined with his brain dwelling on Naomi, had successfully managed to kill off the buzz that had left him grinning as he'd fumbled with the key in the lock only forty minutes before. The effort made him think that maybe another trip downstairs was asking a bit much when there was a window nice and close by.
    He took the easier option, swiped the smokes from where he'd left them on the ground and walked over to the window. He expected the worst as he sought out the lock but thankfully it was a simple latch. Dave pushed the window open and let the cool night air rush in. A little on the chilly side, but not too bad.
    Outside was clear night with the stars out in full force. Living in the city, it was not a sight he was generally used to. While he ripped the plastic from the new pack of smokes, Dave stared out, briefly attempting to pick out constellations before giving it up as hopeless. He’d never been able to spot them; no matter how many times Naomi used to point them out.
    Just thinking about that made him feel sad. He quickly lit up instead, sucking sweet smoke deep into his lungs as he stared across the forest to the fields that the recent rain had left gleaming in the moonlight. He made a mental note to ask Bruno what the crop was.
    Naomi would've loved the view. The thought transformed his exhale into a sigh. Would've being the operative term there. I think I’ve really fucked it up this time. He added and briefly thought he might burst into tears.
    When a flicker of movement caught the corner of his eye, he was more than happy for the distraction.
    With a slightly shaky inhale, his gaze dropped down to where the glow from the windows on the floor below him spilled out, casting a semi-circle of light that played across the gravel path.
    His inhale cut off into a sharp hiss. His breath hitching as he saw the shadowy figure moving past the cusp of the light, hunched over as it dragged something behind it. Something that he couldn’t quite make out.
    Instantly he felt a little uneasy and blinked a few times just to make sure it wasn’t an hallucination or something. The thought even lingered, maybe I have had too much to drink! But that quickly dissipated when Dave leaned forward a little, fighting the gloom and felt his heart rate start to pick up.
    It was definitely a person out on the path. A male judging by the build but that wasn’t what set Dave’s nerves on edge. It was the way the figure moved that did that. Hunched over, scuttling forward; almost insect-like as it struggled along with its burden: a sack that inched along behind it.
    What the fuck? Dave squinted, leaning further forward, trying to get a better look.
    Yep, it’s definitely a– his heart thumped and his thoughts ground to a halt as the sack moved. A short sharp jerking movement as though something writhed inside it.
    An odd taste started to flood his mouth at the sight. One that made him want to spit to clear it but all he could do was stand frozen as he stared down at the figure. At first he’d been thinking that it was just one of the locals – maybe one of the farmers – lugging something from one place to another – they work all hours, don’t they? But the longer he watched, the more he became convinced that wasn’t the case.
    There was something too furtive about the figure’s movements.
    Something too creepy about the way the

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