Shifting Michelle's Boundaries (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Shifting Michelle's Boundaries (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by Kelsey Blue

Book: Shifting Michelle's Boundaries (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by Kelsey Blue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelsey Blue
tried to look nonchalant. “They’re like brothers. It means a lot to Craig that his dates like Jack, too, and it’s no big deal to me.”
    “I guess.” Alison leant in. “Maybe you’ll get drunk and end up in a big ole three-way.” Michelle blushed scarlet, and Ally laughed loud. “I’m only kidding. Yeesh, you’re so uptight at times.”
    If only you knew…
    * * * *
    Craig pulled up outside Michelle’s house a little after seven and turned his engine off. The trail he and Jack followed had led to an old church on the outskirts of the city. Judging by the multitude of shifter scents around the building, it was the new crew’s current home.
    Jack had, of course, wanted to barrel in there and knock some heads together, and if he was honest Craig would have enjoyed it, too. But they had been told to report back and nothing more, and that’s what they did. Telling Jack his idea about a meal with Michelle seemed to pull him right out of his bad mood.
    Craig knocked on Michelle’s door and waited. She appeared in the doorway in a bathrobe, her hair tied up in a bun to keep it dry in the shower.
    “Hey, I wasn’t expecting you this early. Come wait inside.”
    Craig followed her to her bedroom, then sat on the edge of the bed as she walked back into the bathroom.
    “So, how was your day?” she called from the next room.
    “Odd. Glad it’s over. Yours?”
    “Same old, same old. I really am thinking about packing it all in and going freelance.”
    “Well, Jack’s the one to talk to about that. He’s been freelance for years. He must know what he’s doing, as I never see him working, but he’s always got cash.”
    Michelle laughed from the bathroom. “As long as I can pay my bills I’ll be happy. Oops.”
    Craig heard a soft thump as her robe hit the bathroom floor. He stood quietly and moved to the doorway to find her leaning over the sink adjusting her hair. Her robe lay about her feet, leaving her pale skin for Craig to gaze upon. She glanced at him in the mirror and smiled as he walked over.
    “Now there’s a sight,” he said as he placed a hand on her bottom.
    “It’s all yours whenever you want it,” she said, though blushing.
    “I wish I could.” He ran his hand around, his fingers brushing against her pubic hair. “Nothing would give me more pleasure than to slide my cock inside you right here and now.”
    She bit her lip. “I’m not stopping you.”
    “No, you’re not.” He ran his finger over the nub of her clit, making her shudder. “But Jack’s already started cooking.”
    She let out a long breath. “In that case you’d better let me get ready, tease.”
    Craig grinned and backed out of the bathroom. “Yes, ma’am.”
    He sat back on the edge of the bed and let out a long sigh under his breath. So maybe that wasn’t the ideal way to start the evening. He’d be horny all damn night, now. Michelle was so sexy, though. Standing there naked, bent over the sink with her ass in the air…Craig adjusted his stiffening cock and waited, trying not to think about what he was thinking about.
    Michelle appeared a few minutes later, her bathrobe back in place as she grabbed some clothes off the bed before winking and heading back into the bathroom.
    “Won’t be much longer,” she called. “Sorry about this.”
    “My fault for coming early.”
    “I hope Jack’s food won’t burn.”
    “Nah.” Craig stood and walked to the dresser, his attention on the knickknacks on the top. “It takes a while. I’d tell you what, but I think he wants to dazzle you with his culinary efforts himself.”
    “I’ll have to wait, then.”
    Craig looked up from the ornaments to see Michelle stood in the doorway in a skirt and tight top that was cut low enough to hint at what Craig had seen ten minutes earlier in the bathroom.
    She grinned. “You like? I like the skirt, but I’m not sure about the top. Is it too revealing?”
    “Not for me, it’s not. And I doubt Jack will

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