Shane: Dragon’s Savior – Ménage Erotic Fantasy (Dragon's Savior Book 4)

Shane: Dragon’s Savior – Ménage Erotic Fantasy (Dragon's Savior Book 4) by Kathi S. Barton

Book: Shane: Dragon’s Savior – Ménage Erotic Fantasy (Dragon's Savior Book 4) by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
poor Beth. She was no more a witch than you are a human being. You, too, are nothing but a monster. Stop killing things you have no understanding of, Robert. Should you continue—well, I should say when you continue, because we both know that you’re not going to stop—but I will kill you. Not maybe, I will. Don’t make me have to come back here.”
    When he looked around after she left him, Robert saw that he was in the dining room of his home. His wife of eight years was staring at him as if she’d never seen him before, and his son was looking at him with his spoon poised at his mouth, as if he’d been interrupted in taking a bite. When he asked them what was going on, his wife put down her cup and cleared her throat.
    “You were talking. About dragons and mountains. I don’t think that is appropriate dinner conversation, do you?” He shook his head and asked her where she’d gone. “She who? There was never anyone here, Robert. You just came in, sat down, and started talking about this other person. About witches and burning them at the stake. Who is she? What does she have to do with what you were saying before? Or is it that you’re trying to upset me? Have you been reading that book again? Is that what this is all about? Please just throw the thing out, will you? I don’t like that nasty thing being in this house. I think it might have germs.”
    He looked around again. They were alone in his dining room, and apparently he’d been here for a bit. The glass of water that was served at every meal, even though he wanted tea, was half empty, his plate devoid of the meat on it yet still holding all the vegetables; Brussels sprouts again, with carrots that were untouched. He’d lifted his napkin to see if he’d put his meatloaf there when he realized what Lynne had said to him about the book.
    “I can’t throw that out. It’s been in my family for generations. It has our history in it.” She picked up her glass of water then and sipped it with a pinched look on her face. “Lynne, you have to understand, I need to carry on the work of my ancestors. They were on a mission, and I need to complete it.”
    “I don’t want to talk about it anymore. If you must have it around, take it out to the garage. Or better yet, to your office. I don’t want it here, Robert.” As she bent over her salad, he looked at his son. He loved the boy to pieces, but he was pretty sure he thought he was nuts too. His own family was turning against him. Robert wondered if this was what it had been like for Rohm. “Did you hear me, Robert? Take it out of my house.”
    “Yes, dear.” He looked around when the laughter echoed in the room. His wife continued to eat, his son played with his food. He started to ask if they’d heard it as well and decided that he might be better off not to. And he wasn’t taking the book out of his house, damn it.
    Shane rolled to his back to see that he was alone in the big bed. This was the second morning in a row that he’d found himself like this, and he wasn’t happy about it. He wanted to make love to Lelani before starting his day, not have to find her and take her then. Smiling, he got up and went to the bathroom, only to find it being used.
    Lelani was on her knees in front of Keion, the water running over them forgotten. Keion’s cock was in her mouth and she was holding his balls in her hands as she bobbed up and down over him. Shane felt his own cock stretch at the sight, and leaned against the counter to watch them. Christ , watching her suck off Keion was almost as good as having her go down on him. As he fisted his own cock, he thought about all the ways he was going to take her when it was his turn, and felt his balls tighten to his body. Holy shit, without even touching her, he was ready to explode.
    When she stood up suddenly he thought he’d interrupted them. The look on her face, the ruby redness of her lips, made his body burn to be with her. And when she told him to

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