Shane: Dragon’s Savior – Ménage Erotic Fantasy (Dragon's Savior Book 4)

Shane: Dragon’s Savior – Ménage Erotic Fantasy (Dragon's Savior Book 4) by Kathi S. Barton Page B

Book: Shane: Dragon’s Savior – Ménage Erotic Fantasy (Dragon's Savior Book 4) by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
stepped out first, he was drying off when he heard Roger calling to them from the lower level. As he dressed and made his way down, Keion joined him.
    “There has been a disturbance, my lords.” Shane asked him what sort of disturbance. “Your brother, Jed, came by to ask that you join him on the castle grounds. He said that it is important. I’m sorry, that’s all he said, but he did seem slightly shocked by whatever was happening.”
    The two of them were making their way over there when Keion asked him what was going on, and why hadn’t they just reached out to them. Shane didn’t know but would find out. However, the closer they got to the castle, the slower their steps became. Someone or something had been very busy throughout the night. And when they joined the others who were standing in front of it, he could see by the looks on their faces that they had no idea how it had happened either.
    The walls were up. Not finished yet, but nearly so. The stone was splintered in places, didn’t quite fit in others, but it looked like they’d only have to put a few more of the massive rocks up to get the entire building done. When he reached out to put his hand on the new stone, Asher stopped him.
    “It’ll drain you. I mean, you will be down before you can take your hand away.” He asked him what he meant, and Asher pointed to Gideon and Simeon as they lay on the grass. “I found them like this, sleeping it off. And when I woke Onimia, who is over there by the way, he said all they’d done was touch the wall and it zapped them like they’d been standing in water and touched a socket.”
    “What the hell is doing this?” None of them had any idea, but they did keep their distance from the place. As they watched, two more pieces as big as them slid into place. Shane took another step back as he continued. “This is about as strange as it gets. Do you think…Christ, this is gonna sound weird, but do you think that it’s doing it all on its own?”
    “It’s the earth. Now that the wall is up, it feels the need to finish it.” Shane pulled Lelani into his arms after Keion kissed her. “If you touch it, if we all touch it a little at a time, it’ll finish faster. As it is now, it’s borrowing from everyone just a little at a time until it has the energy to move. I’m not saying we should do it; I’m just telling you what it would need to do the work all by itself.”
    “Is this why you needed to get the wall up?” Asher wasn’t looking at her when she shook her head and asked again. “If it is, then it would have been nice to know. Maybe we could have delayed this until we got this over with about the Herald coming around.”
    “You think I’d drain a few hundred people and creatures to help you put up a castle faster? You’re a moron. I didn’t do this for the castle to be finished. It’s because of this.” As they walked around the south side of the castle, he could see what had happened. Had the wall not been there, then everything that they’d done would have been lost. More than likely even going backwards in the process.
    The tree that had tumbled down from near the top of the tall mountain lay under several tons of earth and stone. It looked as if the tree had rolled down the hill and picked up loose items as it went. As it grew bigger and bigger, it picked up more debris until it hit the wall. Having the wall there, as massive and complete as it was, kept any debris from falling into the ground work that they’d only just begun. Shane would bet anything that if they’d been working when it fell, someone would have been hurt badly too.
    “And the walls going up today…do you know what that is?” Lelani said she didn’t know, but it was nice, wasn’t it? “Yes. It’s wonderful, but I’d like to know who I have to thank for this. It’s saved us a great deal of work.”
    “I would say your wives, yours and Jed’s.” Shane asked her if they’d done it. “No, but the babes are

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