Shadows and Lies

Shadows and Lies by Ronald Watkins

Book: Shadows and Lies by Ronald Watkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronald Watkins
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It goes right to my head. But if I don't unwind I'm going to start screaming. I don't know how you do it."
    "Do what?"
    "Remain so cool all the time."
    Powers smiled. "Not always. You saw me scrambling away from that guy tonight."
    “I thought you handled it very well." Alta gazed at him intently then sighed. "Has anyone lately told you what an attractive man you are? You could have been a model or an actor. You aren't at all what I expected when Mrs. Tufts told me she was bringing in a former detective from St. Louis. I could see this middle aged guy, balding, big gut, crude manner, calling everyone 'babe' and smelling of the cheap whiskey he swilled from a flask in his pocket." She giggled then took another of her dainty but increasingly frequent sips. She licked her fleshy lips again then removed her glasses. "I'm blind as a bat without my glasses. That's how much I trust you. I never take them off unless I'm alone. Would you hold me please? I'm getting all shaky." He slipped his arms around her and felt her shudder as if she had a chill. After several minutes the shaking passed and by then he realized she was embracing him as well.
    Alta looked up at him sleepily. He leaned forward and kissed her, wondering for only an instant where that came from. Her warm mouth tasted of scotch.
    Alta's spoke with her lips still against his. "I know you haven't much time," she whispered. "I think you should just take me into the bedroom right now."
    Her body was surprisingly ample, and later, when she came, she moaned from deep inside, a sound that could have meant either ecstasy or profound pain.
    The White House, 1:47 a.m .              
    The First Lady drew a cigarette from her pack in the dark, the flame lighting her face momentarily. Her lipstick was smeared and her hair was eschew. Her first inhale was sensuous in its length and manner. "Oh God, that feels good. I don't know if I enjoy the orgasm better or the cigarette after."
    Martin Karp was still breathing hard as he straightened himself in her bed. "That doesn't say much for me, does it?" He reached for his drink.
    She patted his arm. "You do just fine. No complaints here." She took another drag then said, "What did you talk to Dick about earlier?"
    "I told him what Powers found."
    "How'd he take it?"
    "Badly. He had one of those 'I'm oh so sorry for myself' tantrums. When I left he actually told me it was too bad Marei is dead. He felt like a little action with her."
    "The prick! Anything else?"
    “Nothing significant."
    "How did Danny seem when you spoke to him?"
    "In control, but I think I threw him a few curves. Shanken's keeping a close handle on him along with that Lily." Karp settled himself more comfortably. “How certain are you about Powers?”
    “Dick asked me the same question. I’m certain. Why?”
    “I don’t know. I couldn’t read him clearly. He was cool, almost serene. It wasn’t normal.”
    “He’s been through a lot lately. I know Danny as well as I know anyone on earth. I understand what makes him tick, I know what he wants, and most of all, I know he’ll do almost anything for me. Stop worrying. What I’m asking, is if you think he’ll find her? I'm about to fall apart here."
    Karp shrugged. "I can’t say for certain. I kept him focused on the woman. That's the main thing here, isn't it?" He finished his scotch.
    "You’re annoying when you state the obvious. Getting the tapes would be nice too."
    Karp took his time lighting one of his slender cigarettes. "Someone tried to kill this Powers of yours tonight. Lily saved him. We don't know who the men worked for yet but they were definitely Arabs."
    "Is he all right? Can he still do the job?"
    "He's fine. If anything he’ll pick up the pace."
    She took time to smoke before asking. "Who do you think it could have been?"
    "I don't want to speculate. We knew there was a risk he'd attract attention. We factored that in.”
    "You’re doing it again, Marty.” She sighed. “God,

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