Sex Secrets of an American Geisha
chapter has dealt with one way to make your Good Man feel good as a man: by giving him full credit for all of your orgasms. Your Good Man will love you even more for any ways, sexual or nonsexual, that you make him feel good about himself. Essentially, every time you express appreciation for anything he does for you, he feels like a hero, which makes him feel good as a man. Find ways (sincerely) to make him your hero. Even taking out the trash has “hero” potential. You ask him, “Sweetheart, could you take out the trash when you have a chance, please.” Later, when you realize he’s taken the trash out, say to him, “Thank you, baby. That was so nice of you. I ap preciate it.” Now he can, and will, think of himself as just a little bit of a hero to his appreciative woman. Your Good Man wants to feel needed by you, important to you. When you let him know that he is needed and is important, he feels so good as a man.
To keep your Good Man in love with you and energized in your rela tionship, do everything in your power to express sincere appreciation fre quently to him so that you make him feel wonderful about himself. And the very best way to do that is to give away credit for your orgasm . . . to him. Make him feel better and better about himself as a man. And he’ll be so happy to see his Good Woman becoming more and more of an American Geisha.



W ith a happy, serene smile on my face and a sleepy, satiated look in my eyes, dear Younger Sister, let me make clear to you, from my own earth-shattering personal experience and from my conclusive research, that the existence of the G-spot and female ejaculation is settled physiologi cal fact, a discovery that can lead to the most intense pleasure and orgasmic release you will ever experience in your life! If that’s not worth a heartfelt “Gee!” (as in “gee”-spot) I don’t know what is.
In this chapter, you will find and learn to stimulate your G-spot and will become that most feminine and sexual of American Geisha: a female ejaculator, a “shooter.”
Let me start by clearing up one commonly held misconception: The ejaculate you forcefully emit is a clear, somewhat sweet liquid that I call Gräfenberg Juice (after the doctor who clinically identified the G-spot). It is definitely not urine or even remotely related to urine.
A Most Outrageous Description of My Ejaculation
The G-spot and female ejaculation really do exist. I know. I’m a female ejaculator, a “shooter.” If you, dear Younger Sister, are among those who are still unconvinced of this physio-sexual reality, this will be a life-changing chapter for you. Your sex life will never be the same, my oh so fortunate reader. I want to clearly convey to you my experience with female ejacula tion, hoping that as I express myself you will both recognize the reality of this phenomenon and begin to imagine the possibilities for yourself. Here I tell my story in an open, explicit way that makes you feel like you are there, almost experiencing my ejaculation yourself.
Sometimes my husband, Rich, and I will be making love without any intention of my ejaculating, and then the idea will strike one of us. We’ll start to adjust our lovemaking to go in the direction of having a “shooting” orgasm, as we usually call it. Other times Rich might say, “Tonight is your night, baby. I want you to shoot into my mouth.” That excites me. But we never put pressure on me to ejaculate. It’s perfectly okay with both of us if I don’t. A lot of trust is involved in a G-spot, shooting orgasm, especially when you are doing it the first few times. You have to trust yourself that you can do it (but with no pressure). You have to trust that your partner will not have a negative reaction. At one point you’ll have to trust that the familiar feelings of needing to pee are in fact the feelings of imminent female ejacu lation, not at all related to peeing.
My pubococcygeus (PC) or vaginal muscles (see

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