Sex Secrets of an American Geisha
the primary causes of your excitement: his cock, his fingers, his tongue/mouth. As useful as the vibrator or other toy can be in increasing your stimulation and intensifying your orgasm, believe sincerely, enthusias tically, and consistently that it is totally the flesh of your Good Man’s body that has excited you and brought you to orgasm, even to female ejaculation. Is this a fully logical and scientific way of assessing the causes of your or gasm? Of course not. Is sex with your Good Man a fully logical and scien tific endeavor? Please answer with me, dear Younger Sister, “Of course not.” In fact, sex with your Good Man is a physical and emotional experience. I suggest you respond physically (with a fantastic orgasm) and emotionally (with expressed love and thanks to your Good Man for being the kind of person and lover who makes you come so incredibly).
Men love it when you express appreciation for anything they’ve done for you. But no appreciation is better received than the sincere appreciation you give to your Good Man for making you come so magnificently.
A Further Step along Your Path to
Giving Away Credit
Let’s just walk one further step along your Path to Giving Away Credit. When you masturbate alone, with or without a vibrator or other sex toy, also give your Good Man 100 percent credit for the resulting orgasm. How do you do that, since he wasn’t even there? Let’s imagine a scenario. He has driven off in his truck to a housing development two hundred miles away, where he’ll be installing cable and wiring for the next week. You are alone in the apartment you’ve shared for the last five months, ever since you became engaged, got your .78-carat diamond ring (the exact size of my engagement diamond), and set a wedding date. On your second night alone, after talk ing with him on the phone, your horny animal instincts miss his arms around you, the hair on his chest, his hard cock. So you put on some soft music, take a warm bath (watch that candle!), slip on a sexy silky some thing, apply baby oil to your clitoris, vulva, and vagina, then masturbate un til you come hard with a huge vibrator you and your Good Man call “Mister Big.”
When he calls again the next evening, somehow the conversation comes around to the fact that you masturbated the night before. I suggest to you, dear Younger Sister, that the following (or something similar) is what hap pened last night and is how you tell your Good Man about it: “I miss you so much, baby. I miss your cock in me. I got so horny for your fingers on my G-spot. I thought of us making love all day, your tongue on my clitoris. So I took a nice, warm bath and put on one of your favorite silk teddies and used Mister Big to help me. I imagined your tongue all over me and your cock pounding to the back of my vagina, your arms holding me so tightly, our lips crushed against each other’s. And I came so nicely. And then I fell asleep in heaven. Thank you, baby. I love you. Come home soon. You make me feel so good.”
Yes, even when he is not there, give him full credit for making you come. His flesh always gets full credit. It is your wonderful relationship with this incredible Good Man, his cock, his fingers, and his tongue that make you come every time you come. I believe this is emotionally true for you, even if the only physical presence was of a vibrator, not of his flesh. I want you to believe this sincerely, enthusiastically, and consistently. As well, your Good Man wants you (and him) to believe this sincerely, enthusiastically, and con sistently. When you give full credit to him (and he takes full credit), he will welcome and be happy and relaxed with the idea of incorporating vibrators into your lovemaking and with the idea of your masturbating, both when he is away and, occasionally, when he is lying there right beside you, probably touching you a little, and watching you come with your own version of Mister Big.
Make Him Feel Like a Hero

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