Sensual Confessions

Sensual Confessions by Brenda Jackson

Book: Sensual Confessions by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
    He smiled. From what he’d heard, the entire family was excited. It seemed that having babies was becoming a favorite pastime for the Madarises and their friends. “I have two younger brothers. Quantum, who is twenty-six and completing his residency at a hospital in Houston, and Jantzen is twenty-three. Slade and I were able to recruit Jantzen into joining the family business as our PR and marketing director, and he’s doing an awesome job.”
    They talked awhile longer as he told her more about his family. She had already met most of them at Mac’s wedding, which made the conversation flow rather easily.He liked how she remembered things that had happened at the wedding or at Mac’s birthday party that made them both laugh.
    “At Mac’s party, you were with someone,” said Blade.
    Sam lifted her brow. She decided to respond truthfully, as she always did when a question came up about her and Frederick’s relationship. “Yes, he’s a lawyer in my family’s law firm. Frederick Rowe. He still works there and I consider him a good friend.”
    “So there is nothing going on between the two of you?”
    She held Blade’s gaze for a moment and then said, “Why are you just getting around to asking me about Frederick? If you did think we were together that night, I see that didn’t stop you from trying to hit on me.”
    He reached out and captured her hand when she placed it on the table. She felt herself trembling from head to toe when his fingertips brushed across her knuckles. “The reason I never got around to asking you about him was because I was able to find out that information from Luke. He said the guy was just a friend of yours.”
    “Then why did you ask me about him now?” She tried to ignore how the touch of his hand on hers was sending sparks of electricity up and down her spine. He was trying to seduce her, and heaven help her, but she was enjoying it and finding it hard to resist his charm.
    “Because I wanted to hear you tell me,” he said softly. His voice was like a stroke across her skin, sending even more sparks through her. “Before, I just had secondhand information, although I figured Luke knew what he was talking about. And the reason I still made a move on you that night was because I wanted you, and once Luke had assured me there was nothing between you and Frederick but a close friendship, I saw no reason to stand on the sidelines.”
    Just as she was sure he saw no reason not to continue stroking her hand. She was fully aware of what he was doing and why he was doing it. Electricity was coursing through her, and making her want things from him that she knew better than to crave.
    She pulled her hand from his and casually glanced at her watch. She then looked up at him. “I hate to be a party pooper, but I’m a working girl and I’ve got an early appointment in the morning. I need to go home and get to bed.”
    Blade was sure it was the look of desire that appeared in his eyes that prompted her to add, “Alone.”
    He tilted his head to the side, studied her for a moment and then asked, “Do you really want to do that?”
    She hesitated long enough for him to know she wasn’t quite sure what she wanted to do about him, and as far as he was concerned that was a good thing. That meant he was making progress. He was an impatient man. And he didn’t want to make progress, he wanted to make love—to her, nonstop, all night long. He wanted those long, sexy legs of hers wrapped tightly around him while he buried his body deep inside her. He wanted her so badly he could taste it. And he intended to taste her. That seemed simple enough, and as hot and sensual as it could get.
    “Yes, that’s what I want to do.”
    Her response, he thought, had been slow in coming. He wondered how she was going to handle knowing that he had arranged to be next door to her, never out of sight or out of mind. He was going to turn borrowing a cup of sugar into his favorite pastime. Sooner or

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