you. It ’ s
happening, the babe is coming. Come, let me take you to see
her. ”
    Llew and Mera exchanged a look. Was this what
is was like, all nervous waiting? They followed his father through
another door, that led to another parlour. This one less formal,
cosy, signs of everyday use laying around. In one corner sat a
large loom, half dismantled and unused now for awhile it seemed. By
this sat many reels and skeins of thread and other accoutrements
for such a hobby, nearby sat a large desk covered in carving
implements and stacks of thin wooden rectangles with holes punched
through them and parchments with endless streams of numbers. There
was also a stand with mail and armour hanging against the backdrop
of an exquisite tapestry depicting the lineage rose overlay on a
map of Danua.
    His father
flew to the couches where Jessamine sat, kneeling on the floor by
her side to hold one hand, the other resting tender on her vast
swell of pregnancy. Mera tripped on his heels, and dropped to sit
by her mother ’ s side, giving
her a quick kiss of greeting and a smile.
    Llew hung
back from the scene, watching as
Jessamine ’ s stomach roiled,
one part protruding for a moment before sinking away again. There
were surprised gasps and she smiled wearily at him. “ Come Llew, would you like to feel?
It seems your brother is eager to come and meet you
all. ”
    The healer
that had followed them was talking quietly with the midwife, or
whom he assumed the large brawny woman to be. He walked hesitantly
toward his family, leaning over Jessamine but looking at his
father. “ Come son, it truly
is wonderful. He is so strong, you an feel him turning and
eager! ”
    Llew glanced
down and slowly placed his hand on
Jessamine ’ s belly, for a
moment it was still then there was a powerful kick. Llew swore he
could feel the heel and toes of a foot. He yanked his hand back
with a surprised yell. “ It ’ s really a proper
baby in there! ”
    They gave a
startled laugh and Llew started to withdraw once more. He hated
being laughed at. Meredith half smiled at him, tears clinging to
her auburn lashes. “ I
remember the first time I felt a kick like that too, it really does
come as a surprise, you know there ’ s a baby in there, but actually feeling his little foot or
elbow. Bizarre. ”
    Llew realized
that they weren ’ t laughing
at him, but that the laughter had helped ease some of the tension.
He smiled back at them, maybe his family
wouldn ’ t be so bad. His
father ’ s arm settled about
his shoulders and when he looked up at him, he knew

The Ace of Pentacles, Reversed
    Mera paced in her rooms, worry tightening her
face and stomach. She had chewed her lip until the coppery taste of
blood spilled into her mouth.
    Where was she?
    Part of her longed to burst into tears,
another kept her moving, firmed her resolve. It had been four days
since her mother went into labour, four and a half. It was now the
midwinter solstice, the whole palace was pent, all celebrations and
festivities cast aside, and everywhere lay a thick, waiting
tension. Two days ago her mothers waters had broken, the midwives
had reassured her family that the labour would go swiftly from that
point on. But it had not.
    When she had
been allowed to visit her mother she had found her weak and pale,
her hair sweat soaked and matted to her brow. Hard contractions had
wracked her body regularly. The midwife and healer had fed her
their own wine early on, Mera had been furious when she heard. She
had tried to tell them of the one she had given her, but they had
dismissed her as a child, saying one would do much the same as the
other. After her mother ’ s
waters broke she refused to drink anymore, saying it made her feel
sick. They had been coaxing her to drink whilst Mera was there. Her
mother had taken up the chalice and thrown it at the healer,
telling her to get out. Mera almost smiled at the memory,
    She had
overheard the

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