Sense of Rumor (Mount Faith Series: Book 6)

Sense of Rumor (Mount Faith Series: Book 6) by Brenda Barrett

Book: Sense of Rumor (Mount Faith Series: Book 6) by Brenda Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Barrett
"You look like you could do with the company."
    "I am okay," Arnella said. "I don't mind my own company."
    "Oh, that's right," Tracy piped in. "You consider yourself to be this creative genius who loves her own company and doesn't have to tell her friend anything."
    Arnella winced. She was finding Tracy increasingly annoying by the minute.
    Alric got up. "Come on, Tracy. Let's go. Thanks for lunch, Arnella. Tell Charlene that she is a good cook."
    "But I want to stay," Tracy said looking at Arnella. "I am pretty sure Arnella doesn't mean me when she says she loves her own company."
    Arnella threw a look of desperation to Alric and he laughed inwardly. The dynamics had obviously changed between Arnella and Tracy.

    Chapter Nine
    "I can't believe that Arnella is living in that house," Tracy said incredulously. "I can't believe it."
    Alric looked back at the gate as it closed. "Why is it so hard to believe?" he asked Tracy, who seemed to be fuming.
    "She didn't say a word to me that she was related to them. I don't know what to think right now."
    "Maybe she didn't want to boast. Not everybody is a name dropper," Alric said softly. "Arnella is a different specie. I'm getting to understand that she's proud, independent, and stubborn." 
    "Why are you talking as if you like her?" Tracy asked suspiciously. "Remember you told me that she was bad news and I shouldn't be friends with her?"
    "I have since rethought that." Alric shrugged. "She is surprisingly different from what I heard about her when we were growing up. Some of the rumors that I heard about her, I have since found to be untrue. I am now wondering if some views I've had about her over the years are untrue as well."
    Tracy gasped. "They are true. She is just good at spinning tales to justify herself. Don't listen to her."
    Alric frowned. They were nearing the university campus. "I thought you guys were friends. Why the sudden about face?"
    "Every guy I introduce Arnella to has always been captivated under her spell except for you. Do you know what she does with guys I like?" Tracy's lip trembled. "She sleeps with them and then she tells me about it. She calls it the Arnella test. She knows that I like you Alric. So if you don't mind being a notch on her bedpost you better watch out."
    Alric slowed down at the entrance to Mount Faith; his hand tightened on the steering wheel. "Church or home?" he asked Tracy, processing the information he just heard.
    "Home," Tracy said heavily.
    Alric drove toward Blue Palm Apartments, his mind ticking over. Arnella and her over zealous sexuality again. Was she that free with her favors? He felt uncomfortably, angry, and bitter. It's as if every time he thought about giving Arnella a chance, he heard awful things about her.
    He drove up to the apartment, which was painted in a dark blue with white trimmings  and palms artfully arranged near the building.
    "So where on the complex do you live?" Tracy asked curiously. "You know, I never see you around here."
    Her heart was singing. Alric had looked disgusted when she had told him about Arnella. That was how it should be; how dare him like Arnella? This should have him avoiding her for life. He was a guy of principles. Guys like Alric did not date Arnella. Nobody wanted a whore for a wife.
    "I live on block F." Alric put the car in park and looked at Tracy. "You know, something baffles me."
    "What?" Tracy asked eagerly, ready to answer any questions about Arnella with more damning information.
    "How is it that Arnella sleeps with guys you like and you are still friends with her? Isn't that taking friendship a bit far? I mean..."
    "I am still friends with her because I thought she was poor and in need of some sort of support. She doesn't have many friends, you know. I couldn't bear to leave her alone." So, I've forgiven her time and time again. Now I am finding out that she was not as destitute as she made herself out to be. I feel so used."
    "How many guys have you introduced to Arnella

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