Seizing Darkness (Fur, Fangs, and Fairies)

Seizing Darkness (Fur, Fangs, and Fairies) by Mariana Thorn

Book: Seizing Darkness (Fur, Fangs, and Fairies) by Mariana Thorn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mariana Thorn
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don’t take too long, and keep me posted,” Madon said after a few moments. He gathered up Jenna and took her back to his car. Gregory was still standing there.
    “Find out what you can here, then call me,” Radek said to him.
    Gregory gave him a hard look, but complied when he saw the anger in Radek’s gaze. I guess even Gregory didn’t want to mess with him. I had to almost run to keep up with Radek as he strode silently back to his car. I barely had time to jump in before he started it.
    His jaw was clenched. I noticed he wasn’t sitting back against his seat either. We had both received minor injuries. My back felt like it was on fire. I hoped we would soon be back at the house. The ride was deadly silent for a few minutes.
    He sent his phone flying in my direction. I caught it. “Call Father; tell him what’s going on,” he said, the barely contained rage evident in his voice.
    I dialed Val’s number, trying to keep my own fury in check. It was answered right away.
    “Tell me everything and start at the beginning.”
    “Dante and the werewolf, Jenna, were attacked. She’s hurt , but will be fine. Madon came and picked her up.” I took a deep breath. “Dante was taken. They rigged my car and Dante’s to blow up. I’m not sure about the other car there. It most likely belonged to Jenna. They were at headquarters when it happened.” I spoke as quickly as possible.
    I could feel the rage coming through the phone. I heard a few words in several languages that I never thought I would hear coming from Val’s mouth. He was always adamant that we not use foul language. What surprised me more was that I understood every single one of them.
    “Where’s Radek?” Val said in a low, lethal voice.
    “Driving.” I was feeling protective of him. “He’s very irate right now. We both received some minor injuries when the cars blew. I don’t think he’s realized it yet.” I knew that was putting it mildly.
    “Put the phone up to his ear. Don’t worry, he won’t bite.”
    Yeah, that’s what he says, I thought, but I complied. Radek didn’t look at me nor did he take the phone from me. His hands were white from clenching the steering wheel and shifter. My finger brushed his cheek, sending a shot of electricity through my arm. His skin was warm and I could feel the stubble that was starting to form.
    Val said, “Radek, this was not your fault. You were where you were supposed to be. I don’t want you feeling guilty. You got that, son? Now, he was taken alive as far as you know. You need to focus on finding out why and how he was taken. I’ll call Madon. I don’t want to believe that he had anything to do with this, but since we know for sure one of his wolves was there, he’s now a suspect. I expect that she was just collateral damage. I want you to move to a different safe house as soon as you are able to. Then go through the lists and see what you can come up with. Check in often. Don’t leave each other for anything. Tell me if you need any other assistance. Just find him, but don’t risk yourselves. Is that clear?”
      “Yes, Father.”
    “Good. Natalya, this applies to you too.”
    “Yes, Val,” I said softly.
    The rage was building in me as well. Now they had taken something other than possessions from me. They’d messed with family. I thought of Dante as a brother as well as my partner. The body count might end up being rather large on this one. I was going to make a few and I knew that Radek was thinking along the same lines. After all, Dante was his brother, vampire or not. My mood wasn’t improved by the burning in my back. I’m sure Radek’s wasn’t either.
    “Stay safe,” Val said, hanging up.
    Radek just glared out the windshield as he drove. I dropped the phone into my lap. The only good thing right now was that my arm wasn’t feeling as bad. The fire in my back was edging out the pain of my older injuries.

Chapter Eight
    When we got to the house, he went to set up his

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