Seize me From Darkness (Pierced Hearts Book 4)

Seize me From Darkness (Pierced Hearts Book 4) by Cari Silverwood

Book: Seize me From Darkness (Pierced Hearts Book 4) by Cari Silverwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cari Silverwood
for her own good.
    I nearly gave myself a brain hernia turning this over.
    “Jazmine. Turn off the water so I can look.”
    Her gasp and screech were low volume. She froze. “Go away , Pieter.”
    I reached past her and turned the metal dial. The water slowed and stopped. The last clear stream trickled and died. I was so close I could see the fine hairs on her arm. The little silver angel, on the bracelet she never seemed to remove, swung in an arc from her wrist.
    “Your hair ’s stuck across where I need to see. This won’t take long.”
    “Fuck. Off.” The trembling started and damn if that didn’t make my hard-on harder.
    “No. Ten seconds. Tops.”
    Getting there. Doing this. I counted downward from one hundred to stay focused. Naked woman, yes. Not mine. No.
    I smoothed m y fingers under her hair, shifting it aside, and just as I cleared the spot where the line of red swelled up, pursing her skin into an angry ridge, she tried to bolt.
    I slammed my palm onto her, flattening her to the wall.
    “Stay, girl. Fucking stay there!” My voice had roared into boss mode.
    “ Sorry.”
    God. That hitch in her voice. That spoke to my balls.
    I pressed on her harder and squatted. With my free hand, I gently cleared away the last strands of her hair. My cock was making me uncomfortable with its need to get into her, between these legs. Even while I concentrated on her back, I was feeling myself sinking into her wet pussy.
    There were memories that you remembered and memories that held you hostage and threw you back into the moment, headfirst, cock first, scent, feel, and the slip of her cum on your fingers as you thrust them inside her.
    I cleared my throat.
    The welt was a little red and puffy but nothing atrocious.
    “This need s keeping an eye on.”
    Then I looked lower, saw the lips of her cunt. I’d been in there. I’d beat this ass, made these bruises. “You’re going to let me check you every day, from now on.”
    Her swallow was audible. Her reply was as quiet as a drift of breeze. “I don’t think –”
    “Understand me?”
    She didn’t answer.
    Water dribbled down the outside of her thighs. I’d strapped apart these legs. Been in this pussy. Made her scream. My mind was blown. I knew I’d never stop, not now. Need arrived, blasting in, blowing apart rational, civilized me.
    Keeping that one hand on her back, holding her in place, I let my fingers glide down until they reached the top of a bruise a few inches below where her butt swelled outward. I wasn’t using much force and she was staying still. Did she like it or did I scare the hell out of her?
    Such temptation was never meant for any man to resist.
    “Yes.” Feather quiet.
    I looked up the length of her back. Her forehead was resting on the wall.
    Then I leaned in , wrapped my hand around her thigh, and I bit right over that bruise.
    Her gasp turned into a high-pitched “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” before I let go.
    While keeping careful contact with her skin with my hand, I climbed to my feet, marveling at the slopes of her warm body. Her submissiveness was intoxicating. She shuddered under my fingers and I detected the smallest nudge outward of her very female bottom. That signal, I could pick up from a hundred yards away.
    I was sure lack of protest didn’t hide unwillingness.
    From no to yes in under thirty seconds.
    “What are you keeping from me? Hmm?” I played with a wisp of hair at the side of her neck and began winding those few strands on one finger, around and around.
    “Nothing. I want you to go away.” As before, her words were so quiet, it seemed she barely wanted them heard.
    “Do you?” My h old grew firmer as I gathered more hair. I tightened my grip until she had to bend back her neck. “I see a beautiful pair of eyes.”
    Jazmine blinked at me an d, fok , she whimpered and parted her lips, sucked in a long breath – like she was about to run out of oxygen. Her eyelids lowered. Red rag to

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