simply godly in my mind. I could imagine an empty dark room with a single player connected to his gift. As the drums came to life, I’d feel my heart race. The base and the lead guitars came next. The lyrics were so poetic, they’d make my heart cry. My favorite one was ‘My soul intertwined with the divine…an angel I wish were mine.’
    I’m sure most girls would envision a boy confessing his love for her through these lyrics, but I didn’t; I thought of my father…it seemed when I was scared, I always thought of him – like I was asking him to protect me from wherever he was.
    I always felt that my soul was connected to him in some way, but now he was a part of something bigger than me, heaven itself, and the only thing I could wish was that he was mine, that I didn’t have to share him with some divine spirit that lingered in the heavens above. I knew I could never explain my interpretation to anyone because my emotions had twisted the lyrics into something I wanted to hear.
    I found the song on my phone, set it to repeat, then reached for Madison’s tattered sketch pad. The first sketches were of her zodiac sign, a Scorpio inside of a sun and the Virgo sign inside of a moon. I remembered this sketch – she was reflecting her moon sign entwined with her sun sign. Madison loved this science that I couldn’t seem to comprehend – she told me that our moon sign is how we feel on the inside….she told me every planet helped shape our personalities….the fact that I wouldn’t completely agree with her – but understood her point of view - seemed to prove to her how much of a Libra I was. Apparently, Libras have a knack for seeing both sides to every point.
    The next sketch showed a music note with two bulls on each side of it. I didn’t know astrology well enough to know what sign she was mocking, and I couldn’t remember seeing this sketch before. I turned the page to see an outline of a man looking out at dark shadows. I didn’t remember this one either, but it was as if this man was looking into the nightmares of others. I turned the page quickly, wondering why she’d sketched something so dark. The next sketch showed another man, but the shadows he was looking at seemed more peaceful, almost like dreams or ambitions.
    I turned the page, mumbling the words “Nightmares,” then “Dreams.” In the third sketch, I found an outline of a girl; she was looking at images, too, but Madison had focused on what looked like colors around them. In small text at the bottom, she’d written ‘emotions speak what I see’.
    I bit my bottom lip, wishing I could see what my emotions were speaking. I turned to the next sketch to see another sketch of the girl standing in front of a dark image. Behind this image were countless detailed images of the dark image in action – it was almost like this girl could see the life behind the image. Beneath the sketch, Madison had written ‘Reality sees the nightmares, dreams and emotions.’
    I couldn’t stop staring at the sketch of the girl; I felt like I remembered her sketching this…right now I have a million questions about this, but in my memory I was calm - almost honored that I was able to see this come to life.
    My curiosity caused me to turn the page again, and the next sketch made my heart stop. It was the image of a girl – one that looked like Bianca. She was looking over her shoulder in an alluring manner, and Madison had captured the birthmark of the broken heart on the back of her neck.
    As I stared at this, I had a flash of memory - one that didn’t make any sense. It was clearly back in time. It had to have been centuries ago. I saw Bianca look at me over her shoulder as her arms held a man I couldn’t recognize – I could just feel the heartbreak, jealousy, and rage.
    I slammed the book closed and rubbed my hands across my face. I looked at the clock and debated on calling Madison to come over now. I knew I must have told her about what I was afraid

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