camera. Blushing, I knew security had gotten quite a show. I hope it didn’t end up making the papers.
We had a great cab driver. I swear he must have been a tour guide in a prior life. He drove us all over Nashville, pointing out different sights like Music Row and the Palladium—a life sized reproduction of the one in Greece. We even stopped and took some pictures, although Wrath didn’t want to spend too much time in any one spot to try to avoid being recognized.
Wrath asked about clothing stores and we ended up stopping by the Bettie Page Store. They had the coolest outfits but nothing in my ‘groupie’ price range. Even so, I had a blast modeling different dresses and outfits for him. We stopped and got ice cream and then drove by Opryland. It was freakin’ awesome to see it in person. I wished we’d had time to go through it all but one afternoon didn’t leave much time for everything. He had a show later and I didn’t want to wear him out. When I mentioned it to him he just laughed, whispering in my ear I already do every night.
I blushed, I tried not to but I could feel the heat in my cheeks. He hugged me and gave me a quick kiss. It was the most wonderful afternoon I’d ever had. He was a lot less uptight or something, whatever it was, it made for the perfect afternoon. I was sad when he told the cabbie we had to head back to the hotel.
Whatever happened during the rest of our time together I knew I’d treasure today forever.
Spending the day away from the band and alone with Sapphire had been one of my better fuckin’ ideas. It’d been so much fun, and it seemed to transform her. She was more lighthearted, goofy almost, and totally funny. From running around the Palladium taking pictures and selfies, to modeling for me in the Bettie Page store, it’d been a great afternoon. I ordered some of the clothes she tried on while she was changing back in to her own clothes. They were supposed to deliver the packages to the hotel later on, and I hoped she’d be surprised. At least she wouldn’t be exposing half her fuckin’ chest to everyone. Yeah I’ll admit it, it was more than just something nice for her. I’d had an ulterior motive. I wanted her body reserved for me.
I had a bad feeling as we approached the hotel, and sure enough, Joe was waiting for us in the lobby.
“Have a good time?”
“Oh yeah, it was amazing. So much fun,” Sapphire gushed as she answered Joe, almost jumping up and down. I was really glad she’d enjoyed herself. Who knew how many opportunities she had to just have fun?
“It was great. You guys should have come too.”
“I’ve been to Nashville a lot, but yeah the rest of them should have gone. The tour doesn’t have to be just work.”
I agreed. We were going to have to learn to have some fun on tour. We’d been taking it very seriously, but then we’d worked so fucking hard to get there, it was easy to forget it didn’t have to be all work. We were traveling to places we’d never been, especially when we got to Europe. “Did you need something?”
“Yeah. I need to talk to you. I hope you don’t mind, Sapphire, but I need to talk to Wrath alone.”
The smile slipped from her lips when she heard his words. It was like the sunshine was sucked out of her. “Sure, no problem. Can I have the key, Wrath? I’ll wait for you in the room.”
I handed her the key and kissed her. She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. If I hadn’t been with her all afternoon and seen the other side of her, I’d never believe it existed. I didn’t have time to think about it because Joe was leading me into the bar where the guys were waiting.
“Fuck. If you needed me back, why didn’t you just call?”
“I didn’t need you earlier so there was no reason to bring you back any earlier. The information just came in.”
The bar was empty, they were getting set up for happy hour. We took a table at the back out of the way. “So what’s going on?
Cara Adams
Lyn Hamilton
Patricia Veryan
Fletcher Best
Alice Duncan
A.M. Hargrove, Terri E. Laine
Mark McCann
Dalton Cortner
T. S. Joyce