see it was almost five a.m. We’d talked most of the night. I was going to be freaking tired. At least we didn’t have to do a sound check this time. The day was ours until the show.
I pulled Sapphire against me and wrapped my arms around her. Drifting off, I wondered if she’d like to go sightseeing in Nashville before tomorrow night's show.
Chapter Sixteen
I woke up with the sun shining on my face. Checking the clock I couldn’t believe it was almost eleven a.m. already. This was turning into a bad habit. I realized I was alone in the bed. The suite was totally silent. Where was Wrath? Did he have something to do? Maybe he went to get food.
I was just starting to wonder if I was going to be stuck in the room all day when I heard the suite door open and close. My heart skipped a beat as I heard him curse. Thank God it was Wrath and not the maid coming to clean. I’d have been mortified for her to see my clothes all over the floor.
He came in carrying coffee and I could have jumped him. Caffeine—oh how I worship you.
“Glad to see you’re finally awake, sleepyhead. I was starting to think you’d be out all day.”
“Sorry, but umm, I have this guy who likes to fuck me until I can’t think straight and it wears me out.”
Wrath snorted. “Yeah, well I think he has some help in that department.” He handed me the coffee and I took a long drink. I wish I’d gotten up five minutes earlier so I could have brushed my teeth before he came back, but the coffee in my hand was irresistible.
“Thank you. I don’t think there’s going to be enough coffee available today.”
He nodded. “How’re you feeling? I was kind of rough last night. I hope I didn’t hurt you.”
I was surprised he’d brought it up. I guess in some ways I expected us to be kind of weird with each other today. We shared a lot last night and not just the desperate sex. The sharing afterwards. I figured for sure he’d be pushing me away today. “I’m good. Feeling a few muscles I didn’t know I had, but I’m thinking the bath helped a lot.”
“Good. I was wondering.” He looked over at the clock. “We have about five hours before I need to get ready for the show, did you want to do some sightseeing?”
He’d sounded so serious when he started talking, going sightseeing was the last thing I thought he’d say. “Oh, hell yeah. I’ve never been here before. I’d love to.”
“I’ve never been here either. I’m going to see if anyone else wants to come with us.”
“I’ll grab a quick shower while you make your calls.”
Nodding, he headed off, probably to the balcony to grab a smoke. He’d been smoking a lot more since we’d gotten to Nashville, but it just might have been the balcony making it easier for him.
I took off for the bathroom to get ready. Going through my duffel, I wondered what to wear. I knew he didn’t like the groupie look during the day, but I didn’t have a lot of other stuff with me. Pulling out some shredded jeans and a shirt. I hoped they’d be okay.
Somehow our relationship—if you could call it that—had moved to a new level and the last thing I wanted to do was piss him off. I wanted to tell him everything, the whole story of why I was there, and who I was, but I couldn’t do it, at least not yet. I knew it had to be soon, especially after what happened yesterday with the tweets.
I’d rushed getting ready, not wanting to take away any time from our sightseeing. It was the closest I would come to having an actual date with Wrath and I hoped no one wanted to come with us. Just like I figured he was waiting on the balcony. When he saw me he smiled, so I guess I passed inspection.
“When are we leaving?”
“Now, it’s just us so we’ll grab a cab downstairs.”
I had a hard time not saying ‘yay’ and just smiled. He grabbed my hand and we took the elevator to the lobby. It was the same one we’d been in last night and when I looked up I saw the
Cara Adams
Lyn Hamilton
Patricia Veryan
Fletcher Best
Alice Duncan
A.M. Hargrove, Terri E. Laine
Mark McCann
Dalton Cortner
T. S. Joyce