Seducing Jane Porter

Seducing Jane Porter by Dominique Adair

Book: Seducing Jane Porter by Dominique Adair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dominique Adair
Tags: Erotic Romance
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Chapter One
    Being a sexual submissive was similar to Double Dutch jump roping, once you learned to navigate ropes, you never forgot the rush.
    Both nervous and excited, Jane shook her head at her bad pun. Damn, she hadn’t been this energized in a long time. She was as giddy as a child on Christmas morning.
    Her palms were damp as she pulled on the narrow black strips of cloth that masqueraded as her panties. When the soft lace grazed her inner thighs, her sex tightened. It had been exactly one year since she’d participated in a scene and her body yearned to break her self-imposed drought. Twelve months without sex was more than any woman should have to endure.
    She reached for the matching garter belt.
    This time last year she’d been doing almost the exact same thing, getting ready to meet her master for dinner and hopefully more, much more.
    When they’d met, Peter Ellington had literally swept her off her feet. She’d been dazzled by his charisma and panty-dampening smile. He’d showered her with gifts, expensive dinners and mastered her with a firm hand. In short, he was everything a submissive would desire in a Dom.
    Her lips twisted. As far as she was concerned, there was nothing more dangerous than being in love. In her case she’d been so blinded by the sheer romanticism of his actions that she neglected to realize he was a complete and utter bastard. He’d used her love to his advantage only to leave her with a broken heart and a perpetually bad taste in her mouth.
    Before entering into a master/submissive relationship, the sub needed to know the potential partner was trustworthy. The last thing any sub wanted was to be bound and helpless only to learn that their master was a psycho. Being vulnerable was both a turn-on and a potentially dangerous situation, so complete trust was important.
    After Peter’s betrayal, would she ever be able to garner that same level of trust for anyone again?
    Picking up a silk stocking, she slid her thumbs inside the band to gather the delicate fabric between her fingers.
    Anticipation had been high that night as she’d prepared herself for Peter. For months he’d been hinting at making their union more permanent so when he’d setup the date, her imagination took flight. They spent three to four nights a week together and he’d practically moved into her apartment. The only situation that could be more permanent was marriage.
    Easing the stocking onto her foot, Jane shook her head at her own folly. How wrong she’d been. Blind, foolish and in love, she’d missed all the signs.
    He’d planned a wildly romantic evening. They’d gone to an exclusive restaurant where the chef had created a menu of fresh seafood and decadent chocolate desserts. Champagne flowed like water and she’d been delightfully tipsy by the time they were finished.
    After dinner the limo picked them up at the restaurant, and they’d necked like teenagers in the back seat. Upon arriving at his apartment, he’d cracked open more champagne and they’d spent long hours of bondage play before tumbling into bed, utterly exhausted and thoroughly sated.
    During those quiet moments curled around one another, she’d thought he’d pop the question. She’d laid in his arms wildly content and dreaming of their future together…until he announced he was already married.
    Her lips quirked. It was amazing how two little words—“I’m married”—could rock someone’s world to the very core. Rather than asking her to be his wife, a position already filled by the current Mrs. Ellington, he expressed his desire to set her up as his mistress. She’d have her own apartment in an exclusive area of Denver and all of her bills would be paid without question. The only requirement of this arrangement was for her to be available to him whenever he called.
    Jane snorted as she secured her stocking with the garter belt. Like that would ever happen. She reached for the other stocking.
    For a long time

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