Secrets Of Sanctuary Hospital Nightmare Of The Dark Shadows
will fool them all, get to the children
we lost here, and whatever ones he has at home, I will get to his
family and then ensure as he lay dying that he knows it is our
family that brought about the demise of his for the plague that he
unleashed upon us. I will not fail you.”
    “You had better not. If you do, I will kill
you myself and I promise you it will be slow and special.” The
menace in his voice makes it perfectly clear that he is not only
the leader, but the fiercest and most dangerous of the group. I
smell the pool of my blood forming from the gash in my head and
feel the sticky substance dripping down my ear and cheek. Someone
grabs me by the shoulders, lifting them off the ground. Suddenly,
sharp teeth pierce my clavicle, pushing me through the fog and I
    The man’s voice bellows to the woman. “Bite
her now, she is a delectable untouched morsel and you will have her
scent and then I can transform you to look like her. Do not fail me
    “You know I have never failed you.”
    Excruciating pain rips through me as her
teeth sink deep into my neck. I can feel my life force draining
with each passing moment that her lips are upon me. Despite the
immortality spell, Andrew’s warning so many years ago rings in my
ears warning me that if my head and heart are injured beyond
repair, my physical body will fail and I know that this, along with
my head injury could forever stop my heart, releasing my essence
into the atmosphere. As the darkening tunnel enshrouds me once
more, at least its walls are filled with the wondrous images of my
children, Andrew and all the special moments that we were blessed
to share. As I drift, I feel the love that Andrew’s light and
gentle touch brought to my existence cocoon me. I only hope that he
is in time to ensure that the best part of me, our children, goes
on. As my heart beats slow and my conscious takes it final dip
before descending into the darkened abyss, I send out one fleeting
hope that he and the children will always feel my life force
surrounding them, then my world becomes silent and black.

Chapter Five
- In The Hands Of Wolves
    Unsure of how long I have floated in my
darkened abyss excruciating pain awakens me and I slowly become
aware that it is not death holding me and moving me forward. I can
feel my eyes fluttering, but I cannot see past the blackness which
veils my vision. I am aware of the cool, damp atmosphere
surrounding me. The pain in my head has not ceased, but my thoughts
become clearer as I realize the impact with the tree blinded me. I
can’t help but wonder if this will be permanent. As my thoughts
return to my surroundings, I become aware of heat emanating from
something furry wrapped around my arms and grasping my legs. My
heart races as I realize I am in the arms of the werewolf!
Struggling to fall free of its grasp, the pain in my head explodes,
my heart races and my neck begins throbbing. I can feel my hot,
sticky blood oozing from the gash in my head and from the bite on
my neck.
    “Please stop struggling, you’ve lost too much
blood already and will only make it that much harder for us to help
you.” A calm, quiet, male voice whispers close to my ear, his tone
lacks the menace and ferocity of my previous captures.
    Fighting to speak, my voice is barely a
whisper. “Who are you?”
    “Please don’t speak until we can take care of
the bite, you will use up too much energy and you need as much as
you can gather to try and heal. My name is Grant.”
    I struggle again. “Why are you...”
    “Please stop struggling and talking, from the
look of the puddle that surrounded you and the bites on your neck,
you have already lost too much blood and we have a long way to
travel. I mean you no harm and we meant your children no harm. It
was a terrible situation. Tyler and Cary thought they were with the
others trying to hurt me.”
    “How ...”
    “Please just think your questions and I will
be happy to answer them, but

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