Secrets of New Pompeii
legal then take it
to your father. He’ll have exactly twenty-four hours to take action
before the presentation goes live on the data stream.”
    “I’m relieved that it wasn’t all for
    “I am too, but these vids are chilling. My
people couldn’t stop anything that happened or they would have
blown their cover. That didn’t stop two of my strongest from
halting the abuse. It got that bad.”
    Not knowing how to respond to the grim
revelation, she nodded. “Thank you for everything.”
    “You don’t have to thank me. I was
inadvertently supporting this shit. I should thank you for
ferreting out the truth before I was destroyed by what my business
partners were doing.”
    She terminated the link and sat back in her
chair, mulling over all they’d said.
    “Do you believe him?” Max came up behind her
and rested his hands on her shoulders. “He became rich because of
Gladiator Games.”
    “He was rich before his involvement with my
brothers, but your point is valid.” Max began to rub the tension
from her neck and shoulders. She groaned then sighed and rested her
head against his abdomen. “There is no reason for Stevon to indulge
me unless he had concerns of his own.”
    “Is he attracted to you?” His hands
momentarily stilled.
    “He might be trying to endear himself to me,
but I’ve made it clear that I’m not interested.”
    He lightly cupped her breast, her thin shirt
no barrier at all between the heat of his palm and her sensitive
nipple. “You would never be satisfied with a man like him. You are
too rebellious.”
    “And you can temper my rebellion?”
    “I would never try to dampen your fire. I
savor the heat and bask in the light.”
    She smiled and leaned her head back, looking
up at him. “Under all that ferocity, you’re a romantic.”
    His brow creased and his eyes narrowed then
he pushed away from her chair. “I know nothing of romance. My life
is violence and death.”
    He was clearly irritated by her comment, so
she didn’t push the issue. “I’m going to contact Elaina. Would you
like to speak with Theos?”
    Max nodded but stayed to one side, out of
camera range. She smiled at his techno-anxiety. Eventually all
these gadgets would become natural to him, but that day was a long
way off.
    She entered the access code for Rebecca
Tyndale, the name Elaina was using until the crisis was resolved.
It took a moment for Elaina to respond and then she only activated
    “It’s Naloni and this link is secure, but I’m
really craving valaspaberry wine.”
    Elaina appeared on screen as soon as Naloni
produced the rearranged password. “I can’t stand the stuff
personally, but I’m sure glad to hear you say that.” Her smile was
beaming and she appeared relaxed and happy.
    “I don’t have to ask how you’re doing,”
Naloni grumbled. “Exile agrees with you.”
    “No, life with Theos agrees with me. I still
miss my son.”
    “Of course you do and hopefully you won’t be
separated for too much longer.”
    “The festival was last night. Were the
journalists able to provide you with enough evidence to turn your
father’s head?”
    “Stevon is still compiling the various images
into some sort of presentation, but—”
    “Stevon Poliantus is helping you?” Elaina
sounded doubtful and her gaze reflected her concern.
    “He was the only one I could find with an
invitation to the festival. I know it was a gamble, but I didn’t
have any other choice.” Elaina looked as uncomfortable as everyone
else who had learned of her choice in partners. Was she the only
one who believed Stevon capable of doing the right thing? “Every
indication points toward his sincerity.”
    “I hope you’re right.”
    “So do I. Is Theos there? Max would like to
say hi.”
    It took nearly as much coaxing from Elaina to
get Theos in front of the camera as it did for Naloni to lure Max
into the desk chair. As soon as they saw each other, however, all
their reservations fell away. They

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