Secrets of New Pompeii
husband.” To her credit, Laetif maintained eye contact and kept her
mouth shut. “My investigators also told me you are likely a pivotal
member of the resistance.” Her husband glared, but it was obvious
he was not surprised by the news. “You have this one chance only to
earn my mercy. Answer me truthfully and I will not lump you in with
the rest of these fools.”
    “Of course, Sire. I will help in any way I
can.” Her expression calmed and her head raised, her chin lifting
away from his fingers.
    “Do you know the men who took Naloni?”
    “I know one of them.”
    “Max is my doctore, Sire. He
has— ”
    “Silence!” Sineth glared at Xyell, and he
obediently bowed his head. He turned back to Laetif and said, “Tell
me about Max.”
    “May I speak with you in private? The
information I possess is potentially damning to everyone involved.
I do not want to endanger—”
    “It was not a request, young lady. Tell me
everything you know and tell me now.”
    “Yes, Sire.” She licked her lips and
hesitated. Was she afraid for herself or was this protectiveness
somehow noble? Could she genuinely believe in this
    “Guards.” Sineth motioned toward the others.
“Take them all to Detention Center Three. They are all to be held
for interrogation.”
    “Father!” Tarhee twisted away from one guard
only to be trapped between three more. “You cannot mean to throw me
in a cage like a common criminal!”
    Sineth ignored his son’s outraged shrieks and
frantic flailing as he was dragged from the villa. The others left
with more dignity, leaving him alone with Lady Xyell. The room
seemed cold and artificial without its costumed occupants. Even
Laetif looked silly in her period garb.
    “Rise.” He helped her to her feet and led her
out onto the balcony overlooking New Pompeii. The city really was
amazing, an architectural wonder, if nothing else. “Do you think
they’ll hurt her? Are they wise enough to realize I will not rest
until they are dead if they harm her in any way?”
    “Do you want the truth, or would you rather I
put your mind at ease?”
    A reluctant smile parted his lips. Laetif had
spirit. He had to give her that. “The truth would serve me better,
I believe.”
    “I know Max quite well. He would never harm a
woman for any reason. The other man, Dario, I am not well
acquainted with him, but he has reason to lash out at your
    “What happened?”
    “His sister was one of the women captured in
preparation for the festival last night. We were able to free her
and several others, but I don’t think Dario was aware she’d been
    The pounding of boot heels drew Sineth’s
attention into the interior of the villa. Firdose ran toward him,
his expression almost—elated?
    “She’s on the com, Your Majesty,” Firdose
announced. “Come quickly. We have Naloni!”
    Sineth’s heart lurched, the combination of
hope and joy nearly as painful as the fierce rush of fear that had
accompanied his first viewing of her abduction. He followed his
chancellor through Tarhee’s bedroom and into the small, concealed
room that contained the villa’s only technology.
    “Father,” Naloni greeted with a cautious
    “Where the fuck are you!” He hadn’t meant to
sound so gruff, but his emotions were raw and turbulent. “Are you
all right? Were you harmed? Where are those bloody bastards? They
will both—”
    “Father, Max rescued me from Dario. Dario was
entirely to blame.”
    “Max was an accomplice, not a victim. I saw
how it began.” He’d seen this before. Halfway through a crime, a
criminal found it more beneficial to turn on his mates, hoping to
escape prosecution. He would not allow any involvement in this
incident to go unpunished.
    “It’s complicated and we have many things we
need to discuss. I just wanted you to know I’m fine and you need to
check with your military commanders. I believe one of them is
currently in possession of

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