Secret Dream: Delos Series, 1B1

Secret Dream: Delos Series, 1B1 by Lindsay McKenna

Book: Secret Dream: Delos Series, 1B1 by Lindsay McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay McKenna
Tags: Romance, Military
his lower lip, feeling his hips thrusting upward, wanting to enter more of her. “But I’m not sure you’ll agree with me on what I want to do, Cav. It’s my secret dream . . .”
    He stilled, burning, aching to release himself into her. Whatever it was, it was important, because he saw some anxiety in her shadowy, stormy-looking eyes. “Tell me,” he urged. “Whatever it is, we’ll do it. You and I. Together.” His voice was ragged with need as she suddenly blossomed with a smile that made him ache to pump all the way into her. And yet she was holding him captive, barely within her, still moving her hips, twisting them, giving him continued pleasure and teasing. But it was also teasing her and he saw that hunger coming forward, feeling her channel begin to clench, preparing to release her first orgasm of the night.
    “I want,” she whispered, becoming solemn, holding his narrowed gaze, “I want you to try and get me pregnant, Cav. I stopped taking my birth control pill.”
    Stunned, he stared up at her. And then his heart melted with such fierce love for her bravery that he rasped, “Anything you want, baby.”
    She sat up, her framing his face. “Really? You don’t mind, Cav? I know we’ve talked about this before . . .”
    He gave her a careless grin, slowly lifting his arms, settling his large hands around her hips, moving himself slowly deeper into her, watching her lashes shutter with pleasure as he did so. “Last I heard, you wanted to get pregnant after we got married next March. Did I miss something?”
    She moaned as his hips arched, his long, thick length snug and tight within her, setting her into yearning, nerve endings tingling. Her fingers bunched against his shoulders, a sigh escaping her parted lips. “Well . . . yes . . . we did. But I’ve changed my mind.” She stilled on him, feeling his thickness burning, widening her, and then her body accommodating him, the pleasure swift on its heels within her. “I want . . . I want a baby now, Cav. I don’t care if we’re married or not. It doesn’t matter to me. Does it to you?”
    He caressed her hips. “What matters is how you feel about it, Lia. What you want? I’m fine with it. Marriage never made or broke a child coming into this world. It’s the love the two people hold for one another when they create that child that counts with me.”
    “Then tonight, love me. Let me love you. I’m in the fertile part of my cycle right now. I want you to give me a baby, Cav.”
    His heart crumpled in his chest over her pleading, the hope shining in her eyes. He grazed her cheek. “You never have to ever beg me, Lia. Anything you want,” he rasped unsteadily, “I want to give you.” Because he loved her as he’d never loved in his entire life. The smile that blossomed across her face swept through him like a fire of need. “I always want to see you smile like this,” he said gruffly, taking her mouth, taking her.
    As Cav took Lia into his arms, moving with her rhythmically, hearing those little ragged gasps as he plunged deeply into her, juices surrounding him, her heat melding with his, he closed his eyes, absorbing her on every level of himself. She was so small next to him, but her heart held the bravery of the lioness he always saw within Lia. As he rocked her, deepening their connection, little whimpers tore from her, her fingers digging frantically into his chest as he twisted and brought her into oneness with him. He could feel her channel tightening, getting ready to gift her with another orgasm. There was no way he wanted to spill his sperm into her until after she came. Rocking her, sweet cries spilling from her as he felt her begin to tense, her fingertips digging into his chest wall, he guided her with his strength and his heart. There was a violent contraction, gripping him, making him groan and tense. Sliding his arms around Lia’s shoulders, Cav leaned upward, capturing her mouth, her cry drowning within him as

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