Conviction: Devine

Conviction: Devine by D H Sidebottom

Book: Conviction: Devine by D H Sidebottom Read Free Book Online
Authors: D H Sidebottom
Tags: Book Two, Devine
promise to be the best mother I can to our child.
    After losing my own mum I will sell my soul to prevent my child losing its father.
    Please, please plead not guilty. I need you. I love you.
    I pleaded not guilty.

One week later
    S CRATCHING MY HEAD I sighed and placed my phone on the desk. Adam looked up at me, his frown matching my own. “Something wrong, sweet thing?”
    “Mmm,” I mumbled. “Dr Lovejoy was supposed to be looking into something for me but I’ve been unable to get hold of him for ages.”
    Diverting his eyes back to whatever he was doing on his screen, he coughed. “Anything I can help with?”
    “I’m not sure. I saw Seb’s best friend at Keegan’s party and he told me Seb had been seeing a woman for a while. I asked Dr Lovejoy to check through the CCTV to see if he could find when she visited my mum.”
    Adam looked up again, his frown deeper as creases appeared on his forehead. “This is news to me. Both Jake and I looked into Seb’s life and no girlfriend was uncovered.”
    “I know. That’s why I need to know who she is. I have a feeling she told Seb to keep their relationship a secret. And that makes me wonder why.”
    Adam picked up his phone and dialled quickly. “Kris, job tonight.” That was all he said before he ended the call and looked back at me. “Me and Kris will contact Dr Lovejoy and ‘acquire’ the surveillance records from him. I’ll go through them myself.”
    I peered at him with an accusing stare. “You promise not to hurt him.”
    “Hurt who?”
    “Dr Lovejoy,” I clarified with a sterner glare.
    Adam’s lips twitched for a moment before he straightened his face and nodded, saluting me with a finger to his temple. “That I can promise.”
    I regarded him for a moment, wondering why he found my request humorous. Just as I was about to ask him the door opened and Carrie walked in, her eyes finding her partner immediately and a huge smile lifting her pretty face.
    “Hey, babe,” Adam greeted, shooting out of his chair to wrap Carrie in his arms and kiss her until I started to feel a little uncomfortable. When Adam’s hand found her breast, I left them to it and decided to give Bernie his supper then take myself home.
    Adam had begged me to go back to work. I’d agreed now that Jake’s betrayal had been proven wrong, his sexual exploits planned and acted out. His decision to take the blame for Seb and my mother’s murders still hurt but when Adam had told me he was struggling to hold the fort at Deviant and spend time with Carrie, I fell into his sympathy trap and promised I would return. I didn’t mention that my job description was a runner for Deviant and not his secretary. To be honest, working alongside Adam in his office gave me better access to all Jake’s underhand dealings. I was hoping something would shed light as to why he was adamant on ruining his life.
    “Oh, Isla,” Carrie shouted just as I was about to close the door. I turned to her and smiled. “Jake’s trial starts in six weeks.”
    I took a deep breath to counteract the anguish in my gut. “Six weeks isn’t enough time to find anything out. Shit!”
    “Relax.” She smiled softly. “I have someone looking into what evidence there is against him and what his arrest was based on. As soon as I have that information, then finding out why and what to do about it should be quicker and easier.”
    I smiled, my anxiousness easing slightly. “Okay, thank you.” Looking at Adam, I asked, “And you’ll let me know what the CCTV from The Grange shows?”
    “I promise.” Waving a hand at me, he scowled. “Now, go home and get some rest. Make sure you eat properly and take your meds.”
    “Yes, Dad!” I saluted him with a wink, laughing when I shut the door and Carrie squealed.
    Bernie nudged my hand as soon as I walked into the reception area, reminding me he was hungry. “I can tell you’re male.” I chuckled when he stuck his nose in my backside as soon as I bent down

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