Second Wife

Second Wife by Unknown

Book: Second Wife by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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    „He says it sounds like a stomach flu that’s been going around. He’s phoning in a prescription to a
    drugstore that stays open until midnight. I’ll pick up the medicine on my way home. He says if Jeremy’s not
    showing any improvement by noon tomorrow I’m to call again.“ Flynn turned away, heading for the living
    room and the jacket he’d left on one of the rickety folding chairs. „Sorry about this, Heather. One of the
    hazards of trying to be a parent and conduct a social life at the same time. I’ve got to get home.“ He slung
    the jacket over his shoulder and fished his keys out of his pocket. „Listen, about what happened here to-
    night. Try not to worry about it. I’m sure that guy won’t be back. He knows now there’s nothing here to
    steal. He’ll realize the cops will be keeping an eye on the neighborhood.“
    Heather made up her mind in a quick, intuitive rush. She slipped out from behind the counter. „I’m
    coming with you.“
    Flynn looked startled. „What?“
    „You heard me. I’ll be right with you. I just want to throw some things in a bag.“ She was already hur-
    rying down the hall to her bedroom. Flynn followed her, his voice urgent.
    „Heather, you don’t want to come back to the house with me tonight. You said so. I’m going to have a
    sick kid on my hands, and believe me, that isn’t one of life’s really fun experiences.“
    „Are you canceling the invitation you issued earlier this evening?“ She didn’t bother to glance at him as
    she grabbed a shirt from the closet and some underwear from a drawer.
    „Well, no, but you didn’t want to come with me then and I don’t see…“
    „I’ve changed my mind.“ She stuffed the clothing into a small bag and yanked at the bag’s zipper. With
    a determined smile, she spun around. „I’m ready. All I need is my toothbrush. If you’ll kindly get out of the
    Flynn’s eyes darkened as she wriggled past him to get into her bathroom. „Heather, this isn’t the way I
    wanted it to be the first time you met Jeremy.“
    „Afraid he’ll make a bad impression?“ She unzipped the bag far enough to add the toothbrush and a
    couple of other items from the medicine chest.
    „Heather, be reasonable. He’s sick, damn it.“
    „Earlier you accused me of wanting a perfect arrangement with a man who wasn’t divorced or en-
    cumbered with kids from a previous marriage. You implied I wasn’t interested in the reality of family life,
    just a romantic image of it. Okay, I’m willing to take a look at reality. Let’s go.“
    Flynn glared at her. „This isn’t the way to get introduced to it. Believe me.“
    „Now who’s trying to hide reality behind a rosy facade?“ she challenged. Heather slung the soft travel
    bag over her shoulder. „Hadn’t we better be on our way? You have to pick up that medicine and your
    baby-sitter will be getting nervous.“
    Flynn swore softly and turned around to stalk down the hall. „All right, if that’s the way you want it,
    come on. But I warn you I’m not going to be able to drive you back home if you change your mind in a
    couple of hours. If you come with me tonight you’ll be stuck with Jeremy and me until morning.“
    „I know.“ She trotted after him, turning out lights as she went. At the front door Heather cast a quick,
    anxious eye around her little house and then firmly closed and locked the door. Flynn was right. Whoever
    had intruded tonight was unlikely to return. With a sigh she pocketed her keys and hurried down the front
    walk. Flynn was already in the Porsche, starting the engine. She opened the passenger door and slipped in
    beside him.
    „This is a lousy idea, you know,“ he told her as he pulled away from the curb.
    „Going home with you? It was your idea,“ she replied innocently.
    „I had no idea Jeremy was going to be ill.“
    „Reality, Flynn, remember?“ Heather sat back in the seat and wondered what on earth had led her into

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