Second Chances: The Bold and the Beautiful

Second Chances: The Bold and the Beautiful by Ros Baxter

Book: Second Chances: The Bold and the Beautiful by Ros Baxter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ros Baxter
similarly obsessed with Hope, and he felt his lip curl.
    Steffy deserved better than that.
    His sister deserved better than that.
    But surely he wasn’t thinking about himself? Today was not about him and Steffy, not in that way. It was about honoring Phoebe and perhaps, in the process, putting some of their own demons to rest. Something about Steffy at the florist this morning, so still and sad, had touched him. He wanted to make up for all the pain he had caused her and her family. But somewhere along the way, things had shifted. As he had watched her almost collapse in his office, struggle out of that sofa to confront Caroline, deal with her grief at the graveside, and then finally let go and start to relax at the little bistro, something had grown between them. Something that had perhaps never been there before. A new respect, and a new intimacy.
    And when Steffy had let Liam leave without her, Rick had been even more surprised. He had been sure that Steffy would climb back into his arms the way she always did. The way Hope and Steffy always did.
    And then there were the sketches. He had always known that Steffy was bright and talented, but seeing those sketches had taken everything he had understood about her to a whole new level. He felt as though he had a new insight into her beautiful brain, and he understood now. Finally.
    There really was more to Steffy Forrester than met the eye.
    But why did that make him want to touch her hair, and touch her cheek, and press her to him again in another of those bone-melting embraces they had shared at the bistro?
    He couldn’t hold it back any longer. He dropped his hand from the steering wheel to her knee. “You okay, honey?”
    She didn’t answer, but laid her hand over his own. He picked up her hand and held it, rubbing his thumb across the top of it. As he pulled up to the curb outside the smart apartment building, Rick squeezed Steffy lightly on the arm, startling her out of her reverie.
    “Steffy,” he whispered, feeling his throat tighten as she turned to face him and he was assaulted by the full ethereal impact of her beauty. Why had he ever let this woman go?
    She too seemed to be in some kind of daze, and she shook her head as though to clear it.
    “Steffy,” he said again. “We’re here, back at your apartment. Are you sure you’re okay to be here alone?”
    Steffy’s eyes widened at his words, and a slow smile curved her lips as she raised an eyebrow at him. “Why, Rick? What are you suggesting?”
    Rick felt himself flush, and was astonished at the boyishness of his reaction. “No, oh God, no, Steffy, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean …”
    She punched him lightly on the arm as she leaned toward the door. “I’m only teasing, Rick.”
    Rick felt cool relief flood his system. Thank God. The last thing he needed today was for Steffy to feel like he was putting the hard moves on her. She didn’t need that. She needed comfort. She needed to feel good about herself.
    “I’m fine,” she said softly, patting Rick’s arm where she’d punched it playfully. A waft of that signature perfume of hers penetrated his senses and caught him off guard.
    “Steffy, I—” The words were out before he even knew what he wanted, except that he didn’t want her to go. Not just yet.
    “Yes, Rick?” She smiled up at him so sweetly, that hot pink mouth almost the only thing he could see as he looked down at her. The urge to kiss her was almost unbearable.
    What? What did he want to say?
    Steffy, I don’t want this day to end?
    Steffy, you’re beautiful?
    Steffy, I’m sorry for all I did to you?
    But he’d promised himself he wouldn’t make this day about seeking his own absolution. He would ask Steffy to forgive him. And Taylor too, one day soon. But he wouldn’t do it today. He didn’t want her to think that he had some kind of alternative agenda.
    He took a deep breath and smiled at her. “I’d like to see you in.” He held his palms up. “No alternative

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