Seal of the King

Seal of the King by Ralph Smith Page B

Book: Seal of the King by Ralph Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ralph Smith
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your mother was taken from us, we were being followed.” David sat up straight eyes wide “You see we weren’t the only ones who thought you were the one in the prophecy. Unfortunately, the Dark One can corrupt even servants, and we were betrayed by someone we trusted. Your mother and I left you here in the hopes of preventing them from finding you. We were traveling to see the man we believed was going to divulge your identity. We had hoped we could bring him back to the light before it was too late. What we didn’t know was that he had already sealed his fate. As soon as we were on the road we realized we were being followed. I tried to lose them, but eventually they forced us off of the road.” You could have heard a pin drop as they sat silent hanging on Gabe’s every word “I was shaken badly when the car hit the tree, but managed to get out, and face them. Unfortunately, there were too many of them, and they overpowered me. They beat me severely, and before I lost consciousness. I could hear your mother’s frantic screams for help. ”He choked slightly on the words” I saw the car burst into flames. I called out desperately for your mother, and they laughed with glee at my anguish over losing her. Then one of them grabbed me, and I was wracked with pain as the demon latched onto my soul. It was unbearable, and I passed out. The next thing I could remember was seeing you looking at me, crying. I wanted to scream, and call out to you, but I was locked in a deadly battle with that beast, and couldn’t muster the strength even to blink.” David, Molly, and Aurora all had tears in their eyes, and Gabe went on, “The loss of your mother, and the constant torment were almost too much for me to bear. If it hadn’t been for you, your strength, you coming to see me every week I just don’t think I could have held on.”
    “Dad I… I don’t know what to say. What if I’m not strong enough, what if ... What if I fail?” David said as he looked away feeling ashamed.
    “Son, I know you, I know how remarkable you are. You saved me, not just today, but every day for the past six years. I can only guess that, because they could not see the light in you, they were waiting to see if someone else was the one in the prophecy. They knew about Aurora, too. That’s why they went to take her, and killed her parents. Make no mistake David; I would give anything to lift this burden from you. But what they did to me, what they did to you, Aurora, and her parents, and what they did to your mother is nothing compared to what they will do if we fail.” Gabe finished, tears in his eyes now, too.
    David sat quietly for a moment considering what his father said as Aurora held his hand tightly to let him know she was with him. From somewhere deep inside him or from outside him, he wasn’t sure , he felt his courage swell. He sat up with a look of determination, and said, “We won’t fail.” They all looked at him and nodded. His resolve was unshakable.
    “We best get out to the others then , and you, Gabe, have one last dose to take.” Molly said. Gabe grimaced but didn’t argue.
    “I’d like a moment alone with you, Aurora, please. Allow me to help my father into the other room first.” David said. Aurora gave him a small smile , and a nod indicating her agreement. David went over to his father who was pursing his lips after having finished the last of the elixir.
    “That is some nasty tasting stuff.”
    “Here, Dad, let me help you up.” David put his father’s arm around his shoulder and helped him up to his feet. He was again struck by how thin he was. It pained him that his father, who had been such a strong man, could be so frail now.
    “Don’t worry, son ,” Gabe said as if sensing David’s mood “I’m going to be alright.”
    David said earnestly, “Dad, I can’t tell you how much I missed you. Please, as soon as we can, there are some other things I want to ask you.”
    Gabe stopping reached around

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